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[英]DbContext and Interface in HTTPPost action

I am using StructureMap for my dependency resolving. 我正在使用StructureMap进行依赖关系解析。 I am faced with an issue I don't know how to solve as the only way to make a form posting I understand will end up being without dependency injection which negate the whole essence of having StructureMap in my project. 我面临着一个我不知道该如何解决的问题,因为我理解进行表单发布的唯一方法最终将是没有依赖项注入,这会否定在我的项目中拥有StructureMap的全部实质。 The error is that I don't have Add method in my IdbContext Model. 错误是我的IdbContext模型中没有Add方法。 Below is my approach. 下面是我的方法。

I have a Model named Module defined as below 我有一个名为Module的模型,定义如下

   public class Module
       public virtual int ID { get; set; }
       public virtual string Name { get; set; }
       public virtual DateTime? DateCreated { get; set; }
       public virtual string ModuleDescription { get; set; }

and an interface defined as below. 以及如下定义的接口。

    public interface ISolnetDataSource
       IQueryable<Module> Modules { get; }
       void Save();

A DbContext like below 如下所示的DbContext

     public class CMSDB : DbContext, ISolnetDataSource
         public CMSDB() : base("DefaultConnection")


        public DbSet<Module> Modules { get; set; }

        void ISolnetDataSource.Save() 

           IQueryable<Module> ISolnetDataSource.Modules
              get { return Modules; }

and my controller defined as 而我的控制器定义为

    public ActionResult Index(CreateModulesViewModels module)
        ViewBag.ListModule = _db.Modules.ToList();

        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            var model = new CreateModulesViewModels();

            var CreateModule = new Module();
            CreateModule.Name = module.Name;
            CreateModule.ModuleDescription = module.ModuleDescription;
            CreateModule.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            return View(model);
        return View(module);

The challenge I have with this is that I could'nt do _db.modules.Add(CreateModule) (the commented line in the controller) so as to add a new record. 我面临的挑战是我无法执行_db.modules.Add(CreateModule) (控制器中的注释行)以添加新记录。 What I'm doing wrong. 我做错了。 I want to do this using the best approach applicable. 我想使用适用的最佳方法来做到这一点。


_db.modules.Entry(CreateModule).State = System.Data.EntityState.Added;

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