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[英]Eclipse will not Work?

I have two different versions of eclipse that both quit working on me, I am using windows 7 home premium, the versions of eclipse that I have are Eclipse Luna 4.4 and Eclipse Juno. 我有两个不同版本的eclipse都无法使用,我正在使用Windows 7 Home Premium,我拥有的Eclipse版本是Eclipse Luna 4.4和Eclipse Juno。 I have done the following things to correct the error but I am not getting a crash report or anything. 我已完成以下操作来纠正错误,但未收到崩溃报告或其他任何报告。 In the following order I have tried: 我按以下顺序尝试了:

Restarting my computer,
Deleting eclipse and reinstalling,

From command running 
Eclipse.exe -clean
Eclipse.exe -clean -clearPersistedState
Eclipse.exe -debug

I have also checked my JAVA_HOME environment variable which is properly set, and the PATH       environment
Variable which is also properly set. Still not sure what is going on.

Ok I did Find a report on my windows compatibility checker saying that the application
is incompatible with windows and the repair the issue section failed to repair it.
I do know that two days ago I was working in the eclipse environment without a problem.
When I got home yesterday my machine showed that there had been new updates installed. I
didn't have any issues until yesterday. So I guess my next question is how do I find what 
made the application incompatible with my machine, and if it was the updates how do I reverse 
them so that I can get my IDE back, I could switch to Netbeans But I prefer to not have to do
so It just doesn't make any sense to do so if I could somehow manage to get eclipse working

all give me the same result, a quick flicker of what I imagine is the Eclipse splash screen and that is it, so my question is where might I find a crash or debug report (if one is generated by eclipse) other wise does any on have any idea what may be happening. 所有这些都给我相同的结果,快速闪烁一下,我想像的是Eclipse启动画面,就是这样,所以我的问题是,在哪里可以找到崩溃或调试报告(如果是由eclipse生成),否则我可以在上面执行任何操作不知道会发生什么。

THANKS.. 谢谢..

Running Eclipse After installing the Eclipse SDK in a directory, you can start the Workbench by running the Eclipse executable included with the release (you also need at least a JDK6 or JRE 6, not included with the Eclipse SDK). 运行Eclipse在目录中安装Eclipse SDK之后,您可以通过运行发行版随附的Eclipse可执行文件来启动Workbench(您还至少需要JDK6或JRE 6,Eclipse SDK并未随附)。 On Windows, the executable file is called eclipse.exe, and is located in the eclipse sub-directory of the install. 在Windows上,可执行文件称为eclipse.exe,位于安装的eclipse子目录中。 If installed at c:\\eclipse-SDK-4.4-win32, the executable is c:\\eclipse-SDK-4.4-win32\\eclipse\\eclipse.exe. 如果安装在c:\\ eclipse-SDK-4.4-win32,则可执行文件为c:\\ eclipse-SDK-4.4-win32 \\ eclipse \\ eclipse.exe。 Note: Set-up on most other operating environments is analogous. 注意:在大多数其他操作环境上的设置是类似的。 Special instructions for Mac OS X are listed below. 下面列出了Mac OS X的特殊说明。

Allocating enough memory and solving OutOfMemoryErrors By default, Eclipse will allocate up to 384 megabytes of Java heap memory. 分配足够的内存并解决OutOfMemoryErrors缺省情况下,Eclipse将分配最多384 MB的Java堆内存。 This should be ample for all typical development tasks. 对于所有典型的开发任务,这应该足够了。 However, depending on the JRE that you are running, the number of additional plug-ins you are using, and the number of files you will be working with, you could conceivably have to increase this amount. 但是,根据您正在运行的JRE,正在使用的其他插件的数量以及将要使用的文件的数量,可以想象,您可能不得不增加此数量。 Eclipse allows you to pass arguments directly to the Java VM using the -vmargs command line argument, which must follow all other Eclipse specific arguments. Eclipse允许您使用-vmargs命令行参数将参数直接传递给Java VM,该参数必须跟随所有其他Eclipse特定参数。 Thus, to increase the available heap memory, you would typically use: 因此,为了增加可用的堆内存,通常可以使用:

eclipse -vmargs -Xmx 蚀-vmargs -Xmx

with the value set to greater than "384M" (384 megabytes -- the default). 其值设置为大于“ 384M”(384兆字节-默认值)。

When using an Oracle JRE, you may also need to increase the size of the permanent generation memory. 使用Oracle JRE时,您可能还需要增加永久代内存的大小。 The default maximum is 64 megabytes, but more may be needed depending on your plug-in configuration and use. 默认最大值为64 MB,但是可能需要更多,具体取决于您的插件配置和使用。 When the VM runs out of permanent generation memory, it may crash or hang during class loading. 当VM用尽永久内存时,它可能在类加载期间崩溃或挂起。 The maximum permanent generation size is increased using the -XX:MaxPermSize= argument: 使用-XX:MaxPermSize =参数增加最大永久代大小:

eclipse -vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize= 蚀-vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize =

This argument may not be available for all VM versions and platforms; 此参数可能不适用于所有VM版本和平台。 consult your VM documentation for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请查阅您的VM文档。

Note that setting memory sizes to be larger than the amount of available physical memory on your machine will cause Java to "thrash" as it copies objects back and forth to virtual memory, which will severely degrade your performance. 请注意,将内存大小设置为大于计算机上的可用物理内存量,将导致Java“崩溃”,因为Java将对象来回复制到虚拟内存,这将严重降低性能。

Selecting a workspace When the Workbench is launched, the first thing you see is a dialog that allows you to select where the workspace will be located. 选择工作空间启动工作台时,您首先看到的是一个对话框,您可以通过该对话框选择工作空间的位置。 The workspace is the directory where your work will be stored. 工作空间是您的工作将存储的目录。 If you do not specify otherwise, Eclipse creates the workspace in your user directory. 如果没有另外指定,Eclipse将在用户目录中创建工作空间。 This workspace directory is used as the default content area for your projects as well as for holding any required metadata. 此工作空间目录用作项目的默认内容区域以及用于保存任何必需的元数据。 For shared or multi-workspace installs you must explicitly specify the location for your workspace using the dialog (or via the "-data" command line argument). 对于共享或多工作区安装,必须使用对话框(或通过“ -data”命令行参数)为工作区明确指定位置。

Specifying the Java virtual machine Here is a typical Eclipse command line: 指定Java虚拟机这是典型的Eclipse命令行:

eclipse -vm c:\\jdk7u45\\jre\\bin\\javaw 蚀-vm c:\\ jdk7u45 \\ jre \\ bin \\ javaw

Tip: It's generally a good idea to explicitly specify which Java VM to use when running Eclipse. 提示:在运行Eclipse时显式指定要使用的Java VM通常是一个好主意。 This is achieved with the "-vm" command line argument as illustrated above. 如上所述,这是通过“ -vm”命令行参数实现的。 If you don't use "-vm", Eclipse will look on the O/S path. 如果您不使用“ -vm”,则Eclipse将在O / S路径上查找。 When you install other Java-based products, they may change your path and could result in a different Java VM being used when you next launch Eclipse. 当您安装其他基于Java的产品时,它们可能会改变您的路径,并可能导致您下次启动Eclipse时使用不同的Java VM。

To create a Windows shortcut to an installed Eclipse: 要为已安装的Eclipse创建Windows快捷方式:

Navigate to eclipse.exe in Windows Explorer and use Create Shortcut on the content menu. 在Windows资源管理器中导航到eclipse.exe,然后在内容菜单上使用“创建快捷方式”。 Select the shortcut and edit its Properties. 选择快捷方式并编辑其属性。 In the Target: field append the command line arguments. 在“目标:”字段中,添加命令行参数。 Opening this shortcut launches Eclipse. 打开此快捷方式将启动Eclipse。 (You can drag the shortcut to the Windows Desktop if you want to keep it in easy reach.) (如果您希望将快捷方式保持在方便的位置,可以将其拖动到Windows桌面。)

Mac OS X On Mac OS X, you start Eclipse by double clicking the Eclipse application. Mac OS X在Mac OS X上,通过双击Eclipse应用程序来启动Eclipse。 If you need to pass arguments to Eclipse, you'll have to edit the eclipse.ini file inside the Eclipse application bundle: select the Eclipse application bundle icon while holding down the Control Key. 如果需要将参数传递给Eclipse,则必须编辑Eclipse应用程序捆绑包中的eclipse.ini文件:在按住Control键的同时选择Eclipse应用程序捆绑包图标。 This will present you with a popup menu. 这将为您提供一个弹出菜单。 Select "Show Package Contents" in the popup menu. 在弹出菜单中选择“显示包装内容”。 Locate eclipse.ini file in the Contents/MacOS sub-folder and open it with your favorite text editor to edit the command line options. 在Contents / MacOS子文件夹中找到eclipse.ini文件,然后使用您喜欢的文本编辑器将其打开以编辑命令行选项。

On MacOS X you can only launch a UI program more than once if you have separate copies of the program on disk. 在MacOS X上,如果磁盘上有单独的UI程序副本,则只能启动一次UI程序。 The reason for this behavior is that every UI application on Mac can open multiple documents, so typically there is no need to open a program twice. 出现这种情况的原因是Mac上的每个UI应用程序都可以打开多个文档,因此通常不需要两次打开程序。 Since Eclipse cannot open more than one workspace, this means you have to make a copy of the Eclipse install if you want to open more then one workspace at the same time (bug 139319). 由于Eclipse不能打开一个以上的工作空间,这意味着如果要同时打开一个以上的工作空间,则必须制作Eclipse安装的副本(错误139319)。

If you need to launch Eclipse from the command line, you can use the symbolic link "eclipse" in the top-level eclipse folder. 如果需要从命令行启动Eclipse,则可以使用顶级eclipse文件夹中的符号链接“ eclipse”。 It refers to the eclipse executable inside the application bundle and takes the same arguments as "eclipse.exe" on other platforms. 它引用应用程序捆绑包中的eclipse可执行文件,并且在其他平台上采用与“ eclipse.exe”相同的参数。

On Mac OS X 10.4 and later, you may notice a slow down when working with significant numbers of resources if you allow Spotlight to index your workspace. 在Mac OS X 10.4和更高版本上,如果允许Spotlight索引工作区,则在处理大量资源时可能会发现速度变慢。 To prevent this, start System Preferences, select the Spotlight icon, then the Privacy tab, then click the Add button ("+") and find your workspace directory in the dialog that appears. 为避免这种情况,请启动“系统偏好设置”,选择“ Spotlight”图标,然后选择“隐私”选项卡,然后单击“添加”按钮(“ +”),然后在出现的对话框中找到您的工作区目录。

Shared Install The startup speed of a shared install can be improved if proper cache information is stored in the shared install area. 共享安装如果在共享安装区域中存储了正确的缓存信息,则可以提高共享安装的启动速度。 To achieve this, after unzipping Eclipse distribution, run Eclipse once with the "-initialize" option from an account that has a write access to the install directory. 为此,请在解压缩Eclipse发行版之后,使用对安装目录具有写访问权的帐户中的“ -initialize”选项运行Eclipse一次。

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