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[英]How to include external script files for publishing custom Polymer element?

I have the following Polymer element with the following dependencies: 我有以下具有以下依赖性的Polymer元素:

  • box-el and player-el other Polymer elements box-elplayer-el其他聚合物元素
  • GameController and KeyboardInputManager classes that are defined in external files, game_controller.js . 在外部文件game_controller.js中定义的GameControllerKeyboardInputManager类。

The question is, how do I package and publish this element as stand-alone, so it is legitimate for customelements.io . 问题是,我如何打包和发布此元素为独立元素,因此对于customelements.io是合法的。

<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

<polymer-element name="soko-ban">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="soko-ban.css">
    <template repeat="{{box in boxes}}">
      <box-el model="{{box}}"></box-el>
    <player-el model="{{player}}" id="character"></player-el>
    (function () {
      'use strict';

       ready: function() {

         var controller = new GameController();

         this.player = model.player;
         this.boxes = model.boxes;

         var inputManager = new KeyboardInputManager();


Note that, I know how to publish this element, I am asking how to include the listed dependencies, namely the other Polymer elements, that I have written, and the external script files. 请注意,我知道如何发布此元素,我在询问如何包括列出的依赖项,即我编写的​​其他Polymer元素以及外部脚本文件。

It's actually not that hard but you need to follow a few steps in a particular order. 实际上并不难,但是您需要按照特定的顺序执行一些步骤。

There are two issues I see here that need to be solved: 我在这里看到有两个问题需要解决:

  1. Dependency resolution & management 依赖性解析与管理
  2. Publishing to bower & customelements.io 发布到bower&customelements.io

Use webcomponents.org solutions 使用webcomponents.org解决方案

If this is your only file so far use Git to grab the generator-element or polymer-boilerplate . 如果这是您到目前为止唯一的文件,请使用Git抓住generator-elementpolymer-boilerplate These are quickly becoming the standard for polymer element repository structure. 这些正迅速成为聚合物元素存储库结构的标准。 Replace the html file for the main element in either if these with yours. 如果其中的main元素替换为html文件,则将它们替换为您的HTML文件。

References 参考

distribution article building & publishing article Bower & Polymer video 发行文章 建设与出版文章 Bower&Polymer视频

Manage Dependencies 管理依赖关系

You will need to install your dependency element and reference them in your component. 您将需要安装依赖项元素,并在您的组件中引用它们。 Use a .bowerrc to determine where your dependencies will install to and use bower install --save <dep1> <dep2> to install them. 使用.bowerrc确定依赖项的安装位置,并使用bower install --save <dep1> <dep2>安装它们。 reference them after your polymer import like this - 在您的聚合物导入后像这样引用它们-

 <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> <link rel="import" href="relative/path/to/my/first/bower/dependency"> <link rel="import" href="relative/path/to/my/second/bower/dependency"> 

Verify your dependencies get resolved and that your element works then pu. 验证您的依赖关系已解决,然后您的元素正常工作。 blish with the keyword 'web-components' in your bower.json (should already be there if you used generator-element or polymer-boilerplate ) 在bower.json中使用关键字'web-components'进行修饰(如果使用了generator-elementpolymer-boilerplate应该已经存在了)

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