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[英]ASP.NET / IIS Remote Debugging - DEBUG verb

I'm looking for details on the DEBUG HTTP verb. 我正在寻找有关DEBUG HTTP动词的详细信息。
It's clear to me that this is used for remote debugging - though I'm not even sure if it's for IIS or ASP.NET... 我很清楚这用于远程调试 - 虽然我甚至不确定它是用于IIS还是ASP.NET ...

If I want to access this interface directly - ie not through Visual Studio, but sending these commands manually - what do I need to know? 如果我想直接访问此界面 - 即不是通过Visual Studio,而是手动发送这些命令 - 我需要知道什么? What are the commands for it? 有什么命令吗?
I'm also interested in misuse cases, if you have any information on that... 我也对滥用案件感兴趣,如果你有任何相关的信息......

Just for completeness, consolidating here the answers from what-is-the-non-standard-http-verb-debug-used-for-in-asp-net-iis : (thanks @Mark, @Jørn). 只是为了完整性,在这里整合来自非标准的http-verb-debug-used-for-asp-net-iis的答案:(感谢@Mark,@Jørn)。

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/937523 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/937523

When the client tries to automatically attach the debugger in an ASP.NET 2.0 application, the client sends a HTTP request that contains the DEBUG verb. 当客户端尝试在ASP.NET 2.0应用程序中自动附加调试器时,客户端会发送包含DEBUG谓词的HTTP请求。 This HTTP request is used to verify that the process of the application is running and to select the correct process to attach. 此HTTP请求用于验证应用程序的进程是否正在运行,以及选择要附加的正确进程。

The DEBUG verb is used to start/stop remote debugging sessions. DEBUG谓词用于启动/停止远程调试会话。 More specifically, a DEBUG request can contain a Command header with value start-debug and stop-debug , but the actual debugging is done via an RPC protocol. 更具体地说, DEBUG请求可以包含带有值start-debugstop-debug的Command头,但实际的调试是通过RPC协议完成的。

It uses Windows authentication, and DCOM to actually do the debugging though (obviously, if you're allowing RPC traffic, then you've got bigger problems) or of any exploits. 它使用Windows身份验证和DCOM来实际进行调试(显然,如果你允许RPC流量,那么你有更大的问题)或任何漏洞利用。 UrlScan does block it by default, though. 但是UrlScan默认会阻止它。

However, poking an ASP.NET website with the DEBUG requests can be used to reveal if the web.config has <compilation debug="true"> . 但是,使用DEBUG请求戳一个ASP.NET网站可以用来显示web.config是否有<compilation debug="true"> The test can be performed with telnet, WFetch or similar, by sending a request like this: 可以使用telnet,WFetch或类似方法执行测试,方法是发送如下请求:

DEBUG /foo.aspx HTTP/1.0
Accept: */ *
Host: www.example.com
Command: stop-debug

Depending on whether debugging is enabled or not, you will get either 200 OK or 403 Forbidden . 根据是否启用调试,您将获得200 OK403 Forbidden

It is generally accepted that you should never have <compilation debug="true"/> in a production environment, as it has serious implications on the performance of the website. 人们普遍认为,在生产环境中永远不应该有<compilation debug="true"/> ,因为它会对网站的性能产生严重影响。 I am not sure if having debugging enabled opens any new attack vectors, unless RPC traffic is enabled as well, in which case you have more serious problems anyway. 我不确定启用调试是否会打开任何新的攻击媒介,除非启用了RPC流量,在这种情况下,无论如何你都会遇到更严重的问题。

If you want to do remote debugging, I would suggest utilizing debug.writeline and the tool from sysinternals DebugView . 如果你想进行远程调试,我建议使用debug.writeline和sysinternals DebugView中的工具。 This allows you to 'listen' for debug statements either on your location machine or on a remote machine, provided you have the necessary access. 这允许您在位置计算机或远程计算机上“监听”调试语句,前提是您具有必要的访问权限。

I cannot directly answer the part about DEBUG http as I am unfamiliar with it. 我不能直接回答有关DEBUG http的部分,因为我对它不熟悉。

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