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[英]jQuery Supersized Not Stretching Vertically

I have a 1920x1200 background image which is resized with jQuery Supersized. 我有一个1920x1200的背景图片,使用jQuery Supersized调整了尺寸。 It is not resizing properly vertically; 垂直尺寸调整不正确; as I resize the browser, a gap appears as soon as the width is constrained (and it must fill vertically to compensate, but it doesn't). 当我调整浏览器的大小时,宽度受到限制时会出现一个缝隙(并且必须垂直填充以进行补偿,但不是)。

I copied these settings from another user whose 1920x1200 image resizes perfectly. 我从另一位用户调整了这些设置,该用户的1920x1200图像调整了尺寸。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

First of all, the CSS: note the height/width are 100%: 首先,CSS:注意高度/宽度为100%:

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

#supersized a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #111;
    height: 100%;
    left: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: -30;

#supersized a.activeslide {
    z-index: -10;

Inserted JS: 插入的JS:

<link media="screen" type="text/css" href="css/master.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.0/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/supersized.core.3.2.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">



                    slideshow : 0, //Slideshow on/off
                    autoplay : 1, //Slideshow starts playing automatically
                    start_slide : 1, //Start slide (0 is random)
                    random : 0, //Randomize slide order (Ignores start slide)
                    slide_interval : 6000, //Length between transitions
                    transition : 1, //0-None, 1-Fade, 2-Slide Top, 3-Slide Right, 4-Slide Bottom, 5-Slide Left, 6-Carousel Right, 7-Carousel Left
                    transition_speed : 500, //Speed of transition
                    new_window : 1, //Image links open in new window/tab
                    pause_hover : 0, //Pause slideshow on hover
                    keyboard_nav : 0, //Keyboard navigation on/off
                    performance : 1, //0-Normal, 1-Hybrid speed/quality, 2-Optimizes image quality, 3-Optimizes transition speed // (Only works for Firefox/IE, not Webkit)
                    image_protect : 1, //Disables image dragging and right click with Javascript
                    image_path : 'img/', //Default image path
                    //Size & Position
                    min_width : 0, //Min width allowed (in pixels)
                    min_height : 0, //Min height allowed (in pixels)
                    vertical_center : 1, //Vertically center background
                    horizontal_center : 1, //Horizontally center background
                    fit_portrait : 1, //Portrait images will not exceed browser height
                    fit_landscape : 0, //Landscape images will not exceed browser width
                    navigation : 0, //Slideshow controls on/off
                    thumbnail_navigation : 0, //Thumbnail navigation
                    slide_counter : 0, //Display slide numbers
                    slide_captions : 0, //Slide caption (Pull from "title" in slides array)                 

                    slides  :   [ {image : 'example.com/image.png', title : 'Test'} ]


Based on our conversation and your new question, here's a working fiddle without centering. 根据我们的对话和您的新问题,这是一个没有中心的工作提琴。 http://jsfiddle.net/manishie/35qc7yht/ http://jsfiddle.net/manishie/35qc7yht/

You need to modify the following code: 您需要修改以下代码:

horizontal_center: 0, // left align background

Also please see my updated fiddle to see how to properly do one. 另外,请参阅我更新的小提琴,以了解如何正确地进行操作。 All javascript goes in the javascript section, you don't need the html and body tags, you add jquery using the menu on the left, and you add external resources (like the supersized library also with the menu on the left. 所有javascript都在javascript部分中,您不需要html和body标签,您可以使用左侧的菜单添加jquery,还可以添加外部资源(例如超大型库,左侧的菜单也是如此)。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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