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jQuery validate插件,如何检查PHP文件是否返回错误或可以将用户重定向到首页/ dashbord

[英]Jquery validate plugin, How to check if PHP file returns an error or ok to redirect user to homepage/dashbord

First off this is my first question on here so I am sorry for anything I may do wrong. 首先,这是我在这里的第一个问题,因此对我可能做错的任何事情感到抱歉。 But.... 但....

My question is how do I take whats sent back from my PHP file to see if username/password combo exists in the database. 我的问题是如何处理从PHP文件发回的内容,以查看数据库中是否存在用户名/密码组合。 My PHP either returns true or false depending on the submitting. 我的PHP根据提交的结果返回true或false。 That works fine I just do not know how to use the returned data and compare it to either true or false. 那很好,我只是不知道如何使用返回的数据并将其与true或false进行比较。

////This is my Jquery of my form which works fine validating and sending data to PHP.

                passin:"Please enter YOUR password",
                    required:"Please enter YOUR email address",
                    email:"Please enter a VALID email address"
            submitHandler: function(form) {

Right Now I just have my PHP file printing back true/ false just to get the error message or redirection to occur if user signs in correctly. 现在,我只是将我的PHP文件打印回true / false,只是为了获得错误消息或如果用户正确登录就会发生重定向。

Simple: Return a json data structure: 简单:返回json数据结构:


$data = '... the stuff you want to return';

if ($data == '') {
    // oops something blew up
    $json = array('success' => false);
} else {
    $json = array('success' => true, $data);

echo json_encode($json);

Then in your JS code: 然后在您的JS代码中:

function(data) {
   var serverdata = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
   if (serverdata.success) {
       ... it worked
   } else {
       ... something blew up, handle it

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