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[英]xsd import from different project, generate java class

I have two projects, A and B. In project AI have common.xsd file where I use cxf-xjc-plugin to generate java classes which work good. 我有两个项目,A和B.在项目AI中有common.xsd文件,我使用cxf-xjc-plugin生成工作正常的java类。 Next, I want to reuse this created files and type difinitions from common.xsd in main.xsd file in project B and don't generate classes from project A again, but there is a problem, because I can't include full path in my main.xsd file 接下来,我想重用这个创建的文件,并从项目B的main.xsd文件中的common.xsd中键入difinitions,并且不再从项目A生成类,但是有一个问题,因为我不能包含完整路径我的main.xsd文件

 <xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation="PATH_TO_PROJECT_A/common.xsd" /> 

or you classpath I read that it is possible to use http, but I can't use it. 或者你的类路径我读到可以使用http,但我不能使用它。 Is there a way to use a maven or something to do this ? 有没有办法使用maven或其他东西来做到这一点?

Yes, this is possible, keywords are: 是的,这是可能的,关键字是:

  • Separate schema compilation with episodes to avoid generating classes which are already generated 使用剧集分隔模式编译 ,以避免生成已生成的类
  • Catalogs to override schema location including pointing to the schema inside the Maven artifact 目录以覆盖模式位置,包括指向Maven工件内的模式

Required disclaimer: I'm the author of the maven-jaxb2-plugin which provides these features. 必需的免责声明:我是提供这些功能的maven-jaxb2-plugin的作者。

Update: 更新:

I tried to use separate schema compilation, but unfortunately I can't undersant it. 我试图使用单独的模式编译,但不幸的是我不能忽略它。 Should I create separate jar only for xsd file and use it as a dependency ? 我应该只为xsd文件创建单独的jar并将其用作依赖项吗? Now I have dependency to the whole project A which contains generated classes and xsd file 现在我依赖于整个项目A,它包含生成的类和xsd文件

This is enough. 这就够了。 You need a JAR with generated classes, XSD files and META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode . 您需要一个带有生成类,XSD文件和META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode All of this is normally generated by default. 所有这些通常都是默认生成的。

Then you can use this JAR as an "episode". 然后你可以将这个JAR用作“剧集”。 XJC will use sun-jaxb.episode resource as binding file automatically, and this file basically says something like "don't generate anything for the schema in namespace X, use the following classes instead." XJC将自动使用sun-jaxb.episode资源作为绑定文件,并且该文件基本上表示“不为命名空间X中的模式生成任何内容,而是使用以下类”。 This is one part which allows you to avoid redundant generation of classes. 这是允许您避免冗余生成类的一部分。 This works mostly , but sometimes XJC still generates a few things - they can be safely deleted. 主要是有效的 ,但有时候XJC仍会产生一些东西 - 它们可以被安全地删除。

The other thing is that you want to use schemas from the JAR. 另一件事是你想要使用JAR中的模式。 This can be done with catalogs and a special entity resolver which is by default delivered by the maven-jaxb2-plugin . 这可以通过目录和特殊实体解析器来完成,默认情况下由maven-jaxb2-plugin

So just use any schemaLocation and then rewrite it in the catalog file: 所以只需使用任何schemaLocation ,然后在目录文件中重写它:


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