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如何使用 jQuery Select2 插件删除与当前键入的文本匹配的下拉项?

[英]How to remove the dropdown item matching the currently typed text using the jQuery Select2 plugin?

I'm using the select2 jQuery plugin with an ajax call to populate the dropdown selection menu as the user types.我正在使用 select2 jQuery 插件和 ajax 调用来填充下拉选择菜单作为用户类型。 My input is configured for tagging, so multiple selections are allowed and the user can enter their own tags, so the dropdown items are just suggestions.我的输入被配置为标记,所以允许多选并且用户可以输入他们自己的标记,所以下拉项只是建议。

The problem is that the whenever the user types, the first item in the dropdown list always matches what the user has typed.问题是,每当用户键入时,下拉列表中的第一项始终与用户键入的内容相匹配。 The items following that are the suggestions retrieved by ajax call.后面的项目是 ajax 调用检索到的建议。

It's not unreasonable that this happens since the currently typed text is actually a valid selection, but I don't want it in the dropdown list.发生这种情况并非不合理,因为当前键入的文本实际上是一个有效的选择,但我不希望它出现在下拉列表中。 I think it confuses the user into thinking that the first item in the list is a suggestion from the ajax call, and I don't want there to be any confusion about that.我认为这会让用户误以为列表中的第一项是来自 ajax 调用的建议,我不希望对此产生任何混淆。

Is it possible to remove that first item from the list (the users currently typed text), and if so, how?是否可以从列表中删除第一项(用户当前键入的文本),如果可以,如何删除?

My constructor options look like this:我的构造函数选项如下所示:

    multiple: true,
    minimumInputLength: 3,
    ajax: {
        url: 'the-url',
        quietMillis: 1500,
        dataType: 'json',
        data: function(term, page) {
            return { 
                term: term.trim(),
                page: page,
                anotherParam: anotherInput.select2('val'),
        results: function(data, page, query) {
            // 'data' never includes the item I'm trying to remove
            // so it must be added at a later stage
            var results = [];
            for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
                results.push( {id:data[i], text:data[i]} );
            return {results: results};
    createSearchChoice: function (term) {
        term = term.trim();
        if ('' == term) {
            return null;
        return { id: term.replace(',',''), text: term };


I know it might seem counter-intuitive, but I don't actually want to allow users to update the suggestion list with new options.我知道这可能看起来违反直觉,但我实际上并不想让用户使用新选项更新建议列表。 I'm just using the input as a convenient way for the user to select (and de-select) multiple options.我只是将输入用作用户选择(和取消选择)多个选项的便捷方式。 If there are matches in the (static) suggestion list (ajax) then I want to show them while also allowing the user to enter their own option.如果(静态)建议列表(ajax)中有匹配项,那么我想显示它们,同时还允许用户输入他们自己的选项。

My motivation for wanting to hide the first selection item is this: When I select one of the suggested items, this will trigger a callback that will populate another control with some corresponding data.我想要隐藏第一个选择项的动机是:当我选择一个建议项时,这将触发一个回调,该回调将使用一些相应的数据填充另一个控件。 Selecting a custom option (whatever the user has typed) should not produce any corresponding data in the other control.选择自定义选项(无论用户输入什么)不应在其他控件中生成任何相应的数据。 The other day I was typing something into the input, and there were 5 suggestions.前几天我在输入中输入了一些东西,有 5 个建议。 I had forgotten that the first entry was simply echoing what I had typed, and mistook it for a suggestion that exactly matched what I had typed.我忘记了第一个条目只是回应我输入的内容,并将其误认为是与我输入的内容完全匹配的建议。 When I selected it, there was no corresponding data to show in the other control.当我选择它时,其他控件中没有相应的数据显示。

I realized what was happening soon after, but if I was confused by it, a user could easily be too.我很快就意识到发生了什么,但如果我对此感到困惑,那么用户很容易也很困惑。 I don't want that confusion.我不想要那种混乱。 Removing the echoed text option would help with that.删除回显文本选项将对此有所帮助。

The reason you are seeing the User's input is because you are using the CreateSearchChoice option, which allows for users to create their own tags via their input您看到用户输入的原因是因为您使用了 CreateSearchChoice 选项,该选项允许用户通过他们的输入创建自己的标签

if you want to remove that, remove the createSearchChoice如果要删除它,请删除 createSearchChoice

I currently use the createSearchChoice , but i append the text "(New Tag)" on the end so users can see the difference, see code below:我目前使用 createSearchChoice ,但我在末尾附加了文本“(新标签)”,以便用户可以看到差异,请参阅下面的代码:

createSearchChoice: function (term, data) {
if ($(data).filter(function () {
            return this.text.localeCompare(term) === 0;
        }).length === 0) {
            // call $.post() to add this term to the server, receive back id
            // return {id:id, text:term}
            // or detect this shiftiness and do it below in the on-change
    return {
          id: -1+'/'+term,
          text: $.trim(term) + ' (new tag)'
    , isNew: true

In current version (Select2 4.1.0-beta.1), you just need to use createTag like this:在当前版本 (Select2 4.1.0-beta.1) 中,您只需要像这样使用 createTag:

    createTag: function (params) {
        return null;

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