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[英]What is the difference between these two following approaches?

I have following code snippet. 我有以下代码片段。

bool b = false;
if (b) {}

but I have seen many people write something like: 但是我已经看到很多人写这样的东西:

if (true == b){}

They both look same to me, is there any difference here ? 他们对我来说都一样,这有什么区别吗?

bool b;
if (b) {}

You can't use this because C# compiler doesn't allow to use unassigned local variables. 您不能使用它,因为C#编译器不允许使用未分配的局部变量。

On the other hand, there is no difference between 另一方面,两者之间没有区别

bool b = true;
if (b) {}


bool b = true;
if (true == b){}

They generate same MSIL code as well. 它们也生成相同的MSIL代码。 But in my opinion, equality checking in second example is unnecessary. 但是我认为,第二个示例中的相等性检查是不必要的。 That's why if(b) seems cleaner than if(true == b) . 这就是为什么if(b)看起来比if(true == b)干净的原因。

No, there is not a difference. 不,没有区别。 (well, apart from the number of typed letters i suppose). (嗯,除了我想输入的字母的数量)。

bool b = true; //ensure you initialise it though!! (if it was **C** you wouldn't think not to!)

So; 所以;


means 手段


However, 然而,

if b was assigned to false, then the if statement would be skipped; 如果将b赋值为false,则将跳过if语句; like so: 像这样:

bool b = false;
//this won't be executed since b is false

As for your question, though, with you initialising b at the beginning, then yes, they would be the same 至于您的问题,尽管在开始时初始化b,然后是的,它们是相同的

For me 为了我

if (true == b){}

is quite inelegant. 相当优雅。 Following that style in place of 遵循这种风格代替

if (a == b){}

you should put 你应该把

if ((a == b) == true){}

and so on.... 等等....

The if statement needs a boolean expression (the condition) to be true in order to execute the instructions inside its block. if语句需要一个布尔表达式(条件)为true才能执行其块内的指令。 If you compare a boolean value to another boolean value you still get a boolean result, but, unless you are comparing two boolean variables with an unknown value, you may be writting a piece of useless code. 如果将一个布尔值与另一个布尔值进行比较,您仍然会得到一个布尔结果,但是,除非将两个具有未知值的布尔变量进行比较,否则可能会编写一段无用的代码。 To explain myself better: 为了更好地说明自己:

bool a, b;

// some computation

if(a == b)
    // do stuff

makes sense, while 有道理,而

bool a;

// some computation

if(a == true)
    // do stuff

contains some useless code (in my opinion, it even loses some readability) because it is the equivalent of: 包含一些无用的代码(在我看来,它甚至失去了一些可读性),因为它等效于:

bool a;

// some computation

    // do stuff

For the code: 对于代码:

bool b = true;
if (b) 
if (b==true)

if we check the IL-CODE for the the first if 如果我们检查IL-CODE为第一,如果

IL_000b:  ldloc.0
IL_000c:  ldc.i4.0
IL_000d:  ceq
IL_000f:  stloc.1
IL_0010:  ldloc.1            
IL_0011:  brtrue.s   IL_001e 
IL_0013:  ldstr      "b-ok"   
IL_0018:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)  
IL_001d:  nop

and for the second if 第二, 如果

IL_001e:  ldloc.0
IL_001f:  ldc.i4.0
IL_0020:  ceq
IL_0022:  stloc.1
IL_0023:  ldloc.1
IL_0024:  brtrue.s   IL_0031
IL_0026:  ldstr      "b-true"
IL_002b:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_0031:  ....

We can clearly see that C# compiler produces the same IL code for both statements. 我们可以清楚地看到C#编译器为这两个语句生成相同的IL代码。 Thus both approaches are totally same. 因此,两种方法完全相同。

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