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python -m SimpleHTTPServer-侦听0.0.0.0:8000但“找不到页面”

[英]python -m SimpleHTTPServer - Listening on but “Page Not Found”

When I use this code 当我使用此代码

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

it is showing 它显示

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

But page is not displaying. 但是页面没有显示。

When I used the port 80 当我使用端口80

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

it is working. 这是工作。

How to enable the port 8000 如何启用端口8000

Anyone can help me with solution to this. 任何人都可以帮助我解决这个问题。

When I am using my own IP its working but in ssh connection port 8000 is not working only port 80 is working 当我使用自己的IP时,它可以工作,但是在ssh连接中,端口8000不起作用,只有端口80在起作用

Should do the work. 应该做的工作。

The default port when browsing HTTP from a Web-Browser is 80. If you want to browser from a different port you have to specify it after the site address with leading colon. 从Web浏览器浏览HTTP时的默认端口为80。如果要从其他端口浏览,则必须在站点地址后加冒号开头指定它。

You have to specify the port in your browser (80 is the default port) 您必须在浏览器中指定端口(默认端口为80)

Try http:\\\\ instead of http:\\\\ 尝试使用http:\\ \\代替http:\\ \\


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