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使用C#在ASP.NET代码后台创建HTML img标签

[英]Create HTML img tag in ASP.NET code-behind using C#

I am trying to create an img tag in code-behind and send it in email (in the body of the email not as attachment). 我正在尝试在代码隐藏区中创建一个img标签,并通过电子邮件发送(在电子邮件正文中而不是附件中)。

body += "<p><img src='" + imageUrl.Remove(0,2) + "' alt='Product Image' width='250px' height='250px' runat='server' /></p>";

NB: I have declared body as string and I am adding other HTML controls to it (eg p,h1,li etc). 注意:我已将body声明为字符串,并向其中添加了其他HTML控件(例如p,h1,li等)。

The imageUrl variable returns "~/Images/bag/name_of_image.jpg" hence I am removing the first two characters which are ~/. imageUrl变量返回“〜/ Images / bag / name_of_image.jpg”,因此我要删除前两个字符,即〜/。

It seems like it is creating the image but its not displaying in the email body. 似乎正在创建图像,但未在电子邮件正文中显示。

You need include the absolute path to the image in the e-mail. 您需要在电子邮件中包含图像的绝对路径。

Images embedded in an email should be like: 电子邮件中嵌入的图像应类似于:

<img src="http://www.example.com/image_link.jpg" alt="Some Image" />

You however in your email you would be embedding: 但是,您将在电子邮件中嵌入:

<img src="image_link.jpg" alt="Some Image" />

As the e-mail application the user has won't have a copy of image_link.jpg it can't show it. 作为电子邮件应用程序,用户将没有image_link.jpg的副本,因此无法显示它。

So in your process you may need to upload the image to an externally accessible webserver (if being access outside your network) or at least an internally accessible web server. 因此,在您的过程中,您可能需要将图像上传到外部可访问的Web服务器(如果可以从网络外部访问)或至少内部可访问的Web服务器。

I would suggest to use embedded image in your email body. 我建议您在电子邮件正文中使用嵌入式图像。 Have a look at below URLs: 看看下面的URL:

  1. http://www.emailarchitect.net/easendmail/kb/csharp.aspx?cat=8 http://www.emailarchitect.net/easendmail/kb/csharp.aspx?cat=8
  2. Send inline image in email 通过电子邮件发送嵌入式图片

Please do it as below. 请按照以下步骤进行。 just remove "~" from SRC. 只需从SRC中删除“〜”即可。

 string mainUrl = "http://testURL.com/"; //its just example, you can put this in web config as well and than retrive it

 body += "<p><img src='" + mainUrl + imageUrl.Remove(0,1) + "' alt='Product Image' width='250px' height='250px' runat='server' /></p>";

Hope this will help you, 希望这个能对您有所帮助,

Thanks 谢谢

If you embed an image with its local path to an e-mail, this image cannot be accessible from remote receviers. 如果您将图像及其本地路径嵌入到电子邮件中,则无法从远程接收器访问该图像。

It is basic; 这是基本的; user opens your e-mail using with any e-mail client program (outlook, thunderbird or webmail etc.), and e-mail client program searches this image using with its path. 用户使用任何电子邮件客户端程序(外观,雷鸟或网络邮件等)打开您的电子邮件,然后电子邮件客户端程序使用其路径搜索该图像。 If path is a local, how can e-mail client program access this image? 如果path是本地的,则电子邮件客户端程序如何访问此图像?

You have to give a common accessible path that e-mail clients can access your image file and load then show it to user. 您必须提供一个公共的可访问路径,电子邮件客户端可以访问该路径并加载您的图像文件,然后将其显示给用户。

So upload your image to a server, then use the server address to specify image path. 因此,将图像上传到服务器,然后使用服务器地址指定图像路径。

An example: 一个例子:

string domainName = @"http://lindaLinda.com/images/";
string imageFileName = "myFirstEmailImg.jpg";
body += @"<p><img src='" + domainName + imageFileName +"' alt='Product Image' width='250px' height='250px' runat='server' /></p>";

It gives this output: 它给出以下输出:

<p><img src='http://lindaLinda.com/images/myFirstEmailImg.jpg' alt='Product Image' width='250px' height='250px' runat='server' /></p>

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