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如何从 Python 的对象列表中删除具有相同“标题”字段的重复项?

[英]How to remove duplicates with the same 'title' field from object list in Python?

I have class with field title .我有字段title课程。 I have also list of objects, but with duplicates.我也有对象列表,但有重复项。

for i in self.qList:



I want to remove War from the list, leaving only one.我想从列表中删除War ,只留下一个。

I tried this:我试过这个:

for i in self.qList:
    if i.title not in self.qList.title

but got the error:但得到了错误:

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'title'

The easiest way to do this is keep a set of just the titles, and check against that:最简单的方法是保留一set标题,然后检查:

newlist = []
titles = set()
for i in self.qList:
    if i.title not in titles:

Your code might be easier to read with better variable names, too;使用更好的变量名称,您的代码也可能更易于阅读; what is qList , or i ?什么是qListi

If you want to go the list comprehension route, you can do something sneaky with lazy and evaluation:如果你想走列表理解路线,你可以用懒惰and评估做一些偷偷摸摸的事情:

titles = set()
newlist = [i for i in self.qList if i.title not in titles and titles.add(i.title) is None]

I will leave you to puzzle out exactly how this works!我会让你弄清楚这是如何工作的!

Looks like a list comprehension to me.对我来说看起来像是一个列表理解。

newlist = set(i.title for i in self.qList)

if you really wanted a list then just "cast" it back (ok it's not really casting in python but it looks like it)如果你真的想要一个列表,那么只需将它“投射”回来(好吧,它并不是真的在 python 中投射,但它看起来像)

newlist = list(set(i.title for i in self.qList))

Also, a minor added plus of using a generator expression is that there is no "leftover" i variable that you didn't really need for anything.此外,使用生成器表达式的一个小补充是没有“剩余的” i 变量,您实际上不需要任何东西。

EDIT: the above incorrect solution is left as a reminder to myself to read the question first.编辑:上面不正确的解决方案是作为提醒我自己先阅读问题的。 The "generator based solution" to give the objects would look more like:提供对象的“基于生成器的解决方案”看起来更像是:

new_set = set(i.title for i in self.qList)
new_list = [i for i in self.qList if i.title in new_set]

I suspect that python's optimization of the generator and list comprehension could still make this faster than the loop but accessing the i.title attribute twice is the tradeoff.我怀疑 python 对生成器和列表理解的优化仍然可以使其比循环更快,但两次访问i.title属性是一种权衡。

I still kind of like it as looking more "pythonic" (performance question pending...)我仍然有点喜欢它看起来更“pythonic”(性能问题待定...)

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