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PowerShell DSC Pull Server返回HTTP 503服务不可用

[英]PowerShell DSC Pull Server returns HTTP 503 Service Unavailable

I'm using the PowerShell 5.0 September Preview to configure a PowerShell Desired State Configuration Pull Server on a Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine running on VMware Workstation. 我正在使用PowerShell 5.0 9月预览版在VMware Workstation上运行的Windows Server 2012 R2虚拟机上配置PowerShell所需状态配置提取服务器。 To perform the configuration of the DSC Pull Server, I am using a code snippet that I pulled off of the Microsoft PowerShell MSDN blog, which leverages the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module's xDscWebService DSC resource. 为了执行DSC Pull Server的配置,我使用从Microsoft PowerShell MSDN博客中提取的代码段,该代码段利用了xPSDesiredStateConfiguration模块的xDscWebService DSC资源。

When I attempt to test the OData endpoint for the DSC Pull Server, I receive a HTTP 503: Service Unavailable message. 当我尝试测试DSC提取服务器的OData终结点时,我收到一条HTTP 503:服务不可用消息。 Any ideas on how to debug and fix this? 关于如何调试和解决此问题的任何想法?

HTTP 503服务不可用

configuration DscWebService 
        [string] $CertificateThumbPrint = 'AllowUnencryptedTraffic'

    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration;

    WindowsFeature DSCServiceFeature 
        Ensure = 'Present';
        Name   = 'DSC-Service';

    WindowsFeature WinAuth 
        Ensure = 'Present';
        Name   = 'web-Windows-Auth';    

    xDscWebService PSDSCPullServer 
        Ensure                  = 'Present';
        EndpointName            = 'PullSvc'; 
        Port                    = 10100;
        PhysicalPath            = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\wwwroot\PSDSCPullServer";
        CertificateThumbPrint   = $CertificateThumbPrint;
        ModulePath              = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules";
        ConfigurationPath       = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration";
        State                   = 'Started';
        DependsOn               = '[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature';

    xDscWebService PSDSCConformanceService
        Ensure                  = 'Present';
        EndpointName            = 'DscConformance';
        Port                    = 10101;
        PhysicalPath            = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\wwwroot\PSDSCComplianceServer";
        CertificateThumbPrint   = 'AllowUnencryptedTraffic';
        State                   = 'Started';
        IsComplianceServer      = $true;
        DependsOn               = @('[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature', '[WindowsFeature]WinAuth','[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer') ;

DscWebService  -ComputerName dsc01.t.loc -OutputPath c:\dsc\PullServer -CertificateThumbPrint 00A2F55847C5523FE6CB0C2EE132C638339EA3A8;
Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose -Path c:\dsc\PullServer -Force;

a 503 Error usually indicates an issue with the apppool associated with a site. 503错误通常表示与网站关联的apppool出现问题。 Run the following to see the state of your apppools 运行以下命令以查看您的应用池状态

    Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools

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