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[英]How to minimize and maximize winform from taskbar?

I have a Winforms application, which I'm able to minimize by clicking on the corresponding button on the top right of the window; 我有一个Winforms应用程序,可以通过单击窗口右上方的相应按钮来最小化它。 I can then maximize it by clicking on this application's taskbar icon. 然后,我可以通过单击此应用程序的任务栏图标来最大化它。

My problem is that if the window is maximized, it should be minimized when I click on the taskbar icon again, and it's currently not happening. 我的问题是,如果窗口已最大化,则当我再次单击任务栏图标时应将其最小化 ,但目前没有发生。

How can I make this behavior happen? 如何使这种行为发生? I don't want to have to use NotifyIcon or system tray. 我不想使用NotifyIcon或系统托盘。

const int WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x20000;
const int CS_DBLCLKS = 0x8;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
        CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
        cp.Style |= WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
        cp.ClassStyle |= CS_DBLCLKS;
        return cp;


Try to check what's going on in LocationChanged , Move , RegionChanged , Resize , ResizeBegin , ResizeEnd , SizeChanged events. 尝试检查LocationChangedMoveRegionChangedResizeResizeBeginResizeEndSizeChanged事件中发生了什么。 Could be that some code in any of these events is blocking the behavior you described. 可能是这些事件中的某些代码阻止了您描述的行为。

I am not seeing the described problem on a new empty form. 我没有在新的空白表格上看到所描述的问题。

Update: I am using Window 7 Pro. 更新:我正在使用Window 7 Pro。

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