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angularjs业力测试typeerror $ route

[英]angularjs karma test typeerror $route

I am trying to test a controller for angularjs using karma, the controller inject a $route to get the current path but when I try to run karma test on it I get. 我正在尝试使用业力测试angularjs的控制器,该控制器注入$ route来获取当前路径,但是当我尝试在其上运行业力测试时,我得到了。

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object( evaluating '$route.current')

Here is my controller: 这是我的控制器:

angular.module('myApp').controller('EditController',['$scope', '$http', '$route', function($scope,

    var myId = $route.current.params.myId;  
    $scope.var1 = 'var1';  

Here is my Karma file: 这是我的业力档案:

'use strict';
describe('Controller: EditController', function(){
    var EditCtrl,scope,route;

     EditCtrl = $controller('EditCtrl',{

    it('should have var1 equal to "var1"',function(){

Your beforeEach hook isn't injecting the $route service. 您的beforeEach挂钩没有注入$route服务。 Change it to this. 更改为此。

 route = $route;
 EditCtrl = $controller('EditCtrl',{

You may also want to mock the $route.current object in case it isn't instantiated properly, since there's no routing going on in your test. 您可能还想模拟$route.current对象,以防未正确实例化它,因为测试中没有进行任何路由。 In which case you could just add 在这种情况下,您可以添加

$route.current = { params: { myId: 'test' } };

in the hook as well. 在钩。

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