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如何在“ C”中保留小数点后抑制或消除零

[英]how to supress or eliminate zeros after a decimal in 'C'

My program is below, this is for class. 我的程序在下面,这是上课的。 My question is what should I be adding to my program to either stop or eliminate the '.' 我的问题是我应该在程序中添加什么以停止或消除“。”。 decimals and zeros trailing after my answer is printed. 我的答案打印出来后的小数和零。

// Ch5Pgm7.cpp : Takes a number entered by the user and cubes it.
//Written by: Chris Howard       Sept. 25th 2014.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"

void cube(double NUM);      // My function that will cube the users input

int main(void)
double NUM;
printf("Please enter a number: ");
scanf_s("%lf", &NUM);

return 0;

void cube(double NUM)

printf("%lf\n", NUM);

Use . 使用. and the number of decimal spaces you want. 以及所需的小数位数。

printf("%.0lf\n", NUM);


printf("%g\n", NUM);

you can use the g specifier to get rid of the decimal . 您可以使用g指示符除去小数点. and the trailing zeroes 和尾随零

printf("%.0g", NUM);

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