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为什么使用 QCompleter 自动完成的 QLineEdit 没有出现?

[英]Why QLineEdit with QCompleter for auto completion doesn't shows up?

I have two QLineEdit s in the program being lineEdit and fileName_Edit .我在程序中有两个QLineEditlineEditfileName_Edit lineEdit holds path to a directory (taken from user). lineEdit保存目录的路径(取自用户)。 Then user enters the name of file in the fileName_Edit .然后用户在fileName_Edit输入文件名。 I want to show suggestions to user when he is entering the file name in fileName_Edit .当他在fileName_Edit输入文件名时,我想向用户显示建议。 I tried to implement QCompleter like this:我尝试像这样实现QCompleter
( dirContents is a QStringList which holds the contents of the directory specified by user in lineEdit ) dirContents是一个QStringList ,它保存了用户在lineEdit指定的目录的内容)

void MainWindow::on_lineEdit_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
    QCompleter *fileEditCompleter = new QCompleter(dirContents, this);

Program compiles successfully but, the completer doesn't shows up.程序编译成功,但是完成程序没有出现。 Even if I try to connect textChanged signal to the function like following, it doesn't shows up.即使我尝试将textChanged信号连接到如下所示的函数,它也不会显示。

QObject::connect(&MainWindow::ui->lineEdit, SIGNAL(&textChanged(QString)), this,SLOT(&MainWindow::on_lineEdit_editingFinished())); 

EDIT: Adding above line gives an error saying:编辑:添加上面的行给出了一个错误说:

Expected constructor, destructor or type-conversion before ( token预期的构造函数、析构函数或类型转换之前(令牌

Any help will be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

Try to do it simply first, if the code works, then everything is good and you can start improving it.首先尝试简单地做,如果代码有效,那么一切都很好,您可以开始改进它。

In constructor:在构造函数中:

QDir dir("G:/2");//path here
QStringList dirContents = dir.entryList(QStringList(), QDir::Files);
qDebug() << dirContents;//make sure that you list isn't empty, or use isEmpty method
QCompleter *fileEditCompleter = new QCompleter(dirContents, this);

If this will work on your computer then you can be sure that your system and project are good, and start improve it (change list etc).如果这可以在您的计算机上运行,​​那么您可以确定您的系统和项目是好的,并开始改进它(更改列表等)。 And try not to use global variables.并且尽量不要使用全局变量。

If you want do it dynamically, create a simple model and when you will set new QStringList to it, your completer always will display new data如果你想动态地做,创建一个简单的模型,当你为它设置新的QStringList时,你的完成者总是会显示新数据

QDir dir("G:/2");
QStringList dirContents = dir.entryList(QStringList(), QDir::Files);

mdl = new QStringListModel(dirContents,this);//QStringListModel *mdl in header

QCompleter *fileEditCompleter = new QCompleter(mdl, this);

When you want change data when for example, user clicks button or something else, you can do:当您想要更改数据时,例如,用户单击按钮或其他内容时,您可以执行以下操作:

QDir dir("G:/2/tmp");
mdl->setStringList(dir.entryList(QStringList(), QDir::Files));

Now your completer has new data.现在你的完成者有新的数据。

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Try to set completer before providing QLineEdit to user.在向用户提供 QLineEdit 之前尝试设置完成者。 For example - in constructor of MainWindow.例如 - 在 MainWindow 的构造函数中。 It is not correct to set it in textChanged slot.在 textChanged 插槽中设置它是不正确的。

  : QWidget(nullptr)
  , ui( new ui_MainWindow() )
  QCompleter *fileEditCompleter = new QCompleter(dirContents, this);

void MainWindow::on_lineEdit_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
  // Do nothing here

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