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[英]Change inner HTML on hover

I'm very new to jQuery and Javascript development. 我对jQuery和Javascript开发非常陌生。 I've quickly cooked up an idea for a site navigation that utilizes html data tags to generate link descriptions. 我很快就提出了利用html数据标签生成链接描述的站点导航的想法。 I've got it set up in a fiddle here . 我已经在这里摆好 My problem is that the jquery is not functioning as intended. 我的问题是,jQuery无法按预期运行。 I am too new to identify what the error may be. 我太新了,无法确定错误可能是什么。 I would greatly appreciate any tips. 我将不胜感激任何提示。 Thank you in advance! 先感谢您!

Here is the code snippet for the jquery: 这是jquery的代码片段:

$(document).ready(function () {
$(".nav-button").hover(function (e) {
    var description = this.data('title') + ' <span>' + this.data('description') + '</span>';
    document.getElementById('nav-description').innerHTML = description;

}, function (e) {
    document.getElementById('nav-description').innerHTML = '';

You're not wrapping this as a jQuery object. 你不是包装this是一个jQuery对象。

var description = $(this).data('title') + ' <span>' + $(this).data('description') + '</span>';

While you're at it, might as well use jQuery for the other line as well. 当您使用它时,最好也将jQuery用于另一行。


jQuery way should look like this: jQuery的方式应如下所示:

$(function () {
    $(".nav-button").hover(function (e) {
        var description = $(this).data('title') + ' <span>' + $(this).data('description') + '</span>';
    }, function (e) {

Recommendations: 建议:

  1. Don't mesh native javascript getElementById() and so on with jQuery selectors. 不要将本机javascript getElementById()等与jQuery选择器啮合。

  2. Use $(function () {}); 使用$(function () {}); patterns instead of document.ready . 模式,而不是document.ready

this in the scope of the jQuery event handlers refers to the DOM element and not a jQuery object. this在jQuery事件处理程序的范围内是指DOM元素,而不是jQuery对象。 So you need to wrap this with $ to give you the jQuery version ie $(this) . 因此,您需要使用$来包装this ,以提供jQuery版本,即$(this)

The way jQuery works you should find the following is true $(this)[0] === this . jQuery的工作方式应该是正确的$(this)[0] === this ie the jQuery object will have an array of DOM elements that were matched by the selector. 即jQuery对象将具有由选择器匹配的DOM元素数组。

I think because you're new to jQuery this might help.... 我认为,因为您不熟悉jQuery,这可能会有所帮助。

http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/08/what-is-this/ http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/08/what-is-this/

this is a DOM element 是一个DOM元素

When is this a DOM element? 这是什么时候的DOM元素? The short answer is - usually. 简短的答案是-通常。 Scripting with jQuery quite often involves the use of callback functions. 用jQuery编写脚本经常涉及回调函数的使用。 Whether handling an event, iterating a collection of nodes, animating an image, or applying a dynamic filter, callbacks are used to invoke your custom code at the appropriate time. 无论是处理事件,对节点的集合进行迭代,对图像进行动画处理还是应用动态过滤器,回调均用于在适当的时候调用您的自定义代码。 To make things easy for you, jQuery sets the scope of the callback function to the element which is the subject of the callback. 为了使您更轻松,jQuery将回调函数的范围设置为作为回调主题的元素。

... and a rewrite of your code ...并重写您的代码

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".nav-button").hover(function (e) {
        var $this = $(this),
            description = $this.data('title') + ' <span>' + $this.data('description') + '</span>';
    }, function (e) {

Actually this refers to list node which has not data() method 实际上, this是指没有data()方法的列表节点

so you should use dataset property something like 所以你应该使用dataset属性像

should be 应该


instead of 代替



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