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[英]C to MIPS assembly language

i and j are assigned to registers $s3 and $s4 and the base address of A and B are in registers $s6 and $s7 . ij分配给寄存器$s3$s4AB的基地址位于寄存器$s6$s7

B [8] = A [i-j]

So the answer is something like 所以答案是这样的

sub $t0, $s3, $s4
add $t0, $s6, $t0
lw $t1, 16($t0)   (What is happening here.. I am so confused)
sw $t1, 32($s7)

Please explain. 请解释。 I am so confused 我感到很困惑

My MIPS assembly is rusty, but... 我的MIPS组件生锈了,但是...

lw/sw are load word/store word. lw / sw是加载字/存储字。

syntax being lw register, address 语法为lw寄存器,地址

So for the instruction you indicated, the address in $t0 is being loaded into $t1. 因此,对于您指示的指令,$ t0中的地址正在加载到$ t1中。 The 16 thing is a notation to add 16 to $t0 before the load word instruction. 16表示在加载字指令之前将16加到$ t0。

The code looks incorrect: 该代码看起来不正确:

sub $t0, $s3, $s4  # t0 = i -j
# there should be a "sll $t0, 2" here to convert i-j to a byte offset
add $t0, $s6, $t0  # t0 += &A
lw $t1, 16($t0)    # this line is incorrect - it should be lw t1,($t0) with no offset
sw $t1, 32($s7)    # store t1 at &B + 8 words i.e. 32 bytes

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