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AngularJS和Typescript - 注入服务

[英]AngularJS and Typescript - Injecting Services

I have been writing AngularJS apps for awhile now, but Typescript is new to me, and then adding in AngularJS to Typescript is a bit different than I am use to. 我一直在写AngularJS应用程序已经有一段时间了,但是Typescript对我来说是新的,然后将AngularJS添加到Typescript中与我习惯的有点不同。

Anyways, what is the difference between the two: 无论如何,两者有什么区别:

app.service('customerDataService', Application.Services.CustomerDataService);


app.service('customerDataService', ['$http', '$q', Application.Services.CustomerDataService]);

Controller TS 控制器TS

module Application {
    export module Services {
        export interface ICustomerDataService {
            getCustomer(id: number): ng.IPromise<Models.ICustomer>;

        export class CustomerDataService implements ICustomerDataService {
            constructor(private $http: ng.IHttpService, private $q: ng.IQService) {

            getCustomer(id: number): ng.IPromise<Models.ICustomer> {
                return this.$http.get('data/Customer.json').then((response) => {
                    return response.data;

App TS App TS

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.value('config', new Application.ApplicationConfig());

app.service('customerDataService', ['$http', '$q', Application.Services.CustomerDataService]);
app.service('customerDataService', Application.Services.CustomerDataService);

app.controller('DefaultController', ['$scope','config', 'customerDataService', Application.Controllers.DefaultController]);

They both seem to work. 他们似乎都工作。 Do you have to explicitly define the injections for a service? 您是否必须明确定义服务的注入?

You do need to inject dependencies for service or any other angular entities (providers, factories, controllers etc..) when minifying the code. 在缩小代码时,您确实需要为服务或任何其他角度实体(提供者,工厂,控制器等)注入依赖关系。 In a non minified code yes both approaches will work. 在非缩小代码中,两种方法都可行。

Consider the constructor:- 考虑一下构造函数: -

 constructor(private $http: ng.IHttpService, private $q: ng.IQService) {

Case 1 [Explicit dependency annotation]:- 案例1 [显式依赖注释]: -

app.service('customerDataService', ['$http', '$q', Application.Services.CustomerDataService]);

No issues in minification as well because even if the minifier changes $http to say a and $q to say b it will still work because angular will internally use annotate to derive the dependencies from the array that you provide defining the service. 缩小也没有问题,因为即使缩小器改变$http来说a$qb它仍然可以工作,因为angular将在内部使用annotate从你提供的定义服务的数组中派生依赖。

Case 2 [implicit dependencies]:- 案例2 [隐含依赖]: -

app.service('customerDataService', Application.Services.CustomerDataService);

In this case if the $http is changes to say a and $q is changed to b angular will look for aProvider and bProvider while instantiating your service and ultimately you app will fail when run with minified files, since there was nothing listed as dependencies angular parser will have to parse the method definition and method's argument names to discover the dependencies. 在这种情况下,如果$http更改为a$q更改为b angular将在实例化您的服务时查找aProvider和bProvider,并且最终您的应用程序将在使用缩小文件运行时失败,因为没有列出作为依赖项角度解析器必须解析方法定义和方法的参数名称以发现依赖关系。

Another way you can inject dependencies is by using $inject property defined on the function (cTor) (not on the instance). 注入依赖关系的另一种方法是使用在函数(cTor)上定义的$inject属性(不在实例上)。 You could do:- 你可以这样做: -

    export class CustomerDataService implements ICustomerDataService {
        static $inject = ['$http', '$q']; //<-- Inject here

        constructor(private $http: ng.IHttpService, private $q: ng.IQService) {

and just:- 只是: -

   app.service('customerDataService', Application.Services.CustomerDataService);

And listing your dependencies sometimes also help use an alternate name for the injected service argument names. 列出您的依赖项有时也有助于为注入的服务参数名称使用备用名称。 If you dont want to do all these and still have your code work with minifier you could go with ng-annotate library. 如果你不想做所有这些并仍然使用minifier你可以使用ng-annotate库。

With angular 1.3 rc, there is an option called strict-di which you can specify with on your rootElement to enforce explicitly annotated dependency injection on any service or any angular entities that will be instantiated during your app lifetime. 对于angular 1.3 rc,有一个名为strict-di的选项,您可以在rootElement上指定该选项,以强制对任何服务或将在应用程序生命周期中实例化的任何角度实体进行显式注释依赖注入。 If you use this option and any services or so that are not explicitly annotated will fail during instantiation. 如果使用此选项,则在实例化期间未明确注释的任何服务都将失败。


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