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[英]c# access files from different server

I had a requirement of reading a XML document from the server on which the application is running. 我需要从运行应用程序的服务器上读取XML文档。 I am able to do it by simply accessing a file by passing string url as the parameter. 我可以通过简单地通过传递字符串url作为参数来访问文件来做到这一点。

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(fullPath);  //fullPath is a string. for e.x. c:\myfolder\myxml.xml

Now the requirement changes to access the file from a different server so for that I am simply modifying my fullPath as 现在,要求更改为从另一台服务器访问文件,为此,我只是将fullPath修改为


But it fails to read the file. 但是它无法读取文件。 Is there some other way to access files placed on a different server. 还有其他方法可以访问放置在其他服务器上的文件。

PS : If I use the same URL and paste it in URL, I am able to access the file. PS :如果我使用相同的URL并将其粘贴到URL中,则可以访问该文件。

So I finally figured it out. 所以我终于想通了。 The folder which I was trying to access wasn't shared for the Authenticated Users . 我尝试访问的文件夹未与Authenticated Users共享。 Sharing it solved the problem. 共享它解决了问题。

Here is some posts that contains a valid answer: 以下是一些包含有效答案的帖子:

Access files from network share in c# web app 从C#Web应用程序中的网络共享访问文件

Asp.net Access To Network Share Asp.net访问网络共享

and detailed problem explained here: 详细的问题在这里说明:

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/207671 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/207671

Good luck 祝好运

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