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[英]Submit button doesn't fil full width of list item in FF

Here is a JSFiddle link to some code: http://jsfiddle.net/8dtbexy3/1/ 这是一些代码的JSFiddle链接: http : //jsfiddle.net/8dtbexy3/1/

    .buttons-dropdown {
        position: relative;
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 1em;
    .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list.expanded {
        position: absolute;
        margin: 0 1px;
        padding: 0;
        border: 1px solid #000;
        background: #fff;
        bottom: 2.6em;
        right: -1px;
        display: block;
    .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li {
        position: relative;
        height: 2em;
        line-height: 2em;
        margin: 0;
        border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
        border-bottom: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
    .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li input[type="submit"] {
        display: block;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0 20px;
        text-align: left;
        background: none;
        border: 0;
        color: #000;
        outline: none;
    @-moz-document url-prefix() {
        /* Fix dropdown buttons width specially for FF */
        .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li input[type="submit"] {
            width: auto;
    .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li input[type="submit"]:hover {
        background: #e8e7e5;
        cursor: pointer;
    .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li input[disabled="disabled"] {
        opacity: 0.5;
    .buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li input[disabled="disabled"]:hover {
        background: none;
        cursor: default;
<div style="margin:200px 300px;" class="buttons-dropdown">
    <a class="buttons-dropdown-opener">Upload</a>
    <ul class="buttons-dropdown-list expanded">
        <li><input value="Upload Product Template" formaction="upload" type="submit"></li>
        <li><input value="Upload ZIPPED Product Templates" formaction="uploadZipped" type="submit"></li>
        <li><input disabled="disabled" value="Upload Media Zip" formaction="uploadMediaZip" type="submit"></li>
        <li><input value="Talend Upload" formaction="uploadTalend" type="submit"></li>

What I'm trying to do - is to create a dropdown list of items, where each of item supposed to be submit button. 我正在尝试做的-创建一个项目下拉列表,其中每个项目都应该是“提交”按钮。 I've cut the piece of code just to illustrate the problem. 我剪切了一段代码只是为了说明问题。

The problem - in FIREFOX submit button doesn't fit 100% width of list item, so when you will mouse hover on it - only part of it became grey... 问题-FIREFOX中的“提交”按钮不适合列表项目的100%宽度,因此当您将鼠标悬停在其上时-仅其中一部分变为灰色...

Any ideas how to fix this with ONLY CSS changing? 有什么想法可以通过更改CSS来解决此问题吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Why don't you apply a css rule to the li:hover element instead of the input? 为什么不对li:hover元素而不是输入应用css规则?

.buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li:hover {
        background: #e8e7e5;
        cursor: pointer;


change the :hover rule to: 将:hover规则更改为:

.buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li:not(.disabled):hover {
        background: #e8e7e5;
        cursor: pointer;

and in the li element add the disabled class to it: 并在li元素中添加禁用的类:

<li class="disabled"><input disabled="disabled" value="Upload Media Zip" formaction="uploadMediaZip" type="submit"></li>

How does it sound to you? 听起来怎么样?

In my opinion @Bonomi's answer is good for your situation. 我认为@Bonomi的回答适合您的情况。

/* Target li not input element */
.buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list li:hover {
    background: #e8e7e5;
    cursor: pointer;

But I saw your comment under his answer that you said I wouldn't know if the input is enable or not. 但是我在他的回答下看到了您的评论,您说我不知道​​输入是否启用。 For this purpose you can use this tricks. 为此,您可以使用此技巧。

Trick #1 : Consider an enabled class for all li elements which have an enabled input element. 技巧1 :为所有具有启用的input元素的li元素考虑一个enabled类。

Trick #2: Use jQuery :has() selector. 技巧2:使用jQuery :has()选择器。 In your case you probably need something like this: 在您的情况下,您可能需要这样的东西:

$('li:has(input:not([disabled="disabled"]))').hover(function() {
    // Apply hover styles on the li element
function() {
    //  Clear hover style on the li element

And suppose you want to obtain a reference to the hovered input in your JS codes, For this you can try this code: 并假设您想在JS代码中获得对悬停输入的引用,为此,您可以尝试以下代码:

$('li:hover input').someMetod();

UPDATE #1 更新1

:has() selector is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification. :has()选择器是jQuery扩展,不属于CSS规范的一部分。 Docs 文件

Just adding fixed CSS width (or min-width) to container solved the problem. 只需在容器中添加固定的CSS宽度(或最小宽度)即可解决此问题。

.buttons-dropdown .buttons-dropdown-list.expanded {
        width: 400px;

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