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[英]R user-defined functions in new environment

I use some user-defined small functions as helpers. 我使用一些用户定义的小函数作为助手。 These functions are all stored in a R_HOME_USER/helper directory. 这些函数都存储在R_HOME_USER/helper目录中。 Until now, these functions were sourced at R start up. 到目前为止,这些功能都是在R启动时获取的。 The overall method is something like `lapply(my.helper.list,source). 总体方法类似于`lapply(my.helper.list,source)。 I want now these functions to be sourced but not to appear in my environment , as they pollute it. 我现在希望这些函数源化但不出现在我的环境中 ,因为它们会污染它们。

A first and clean approach would be to build a package with all my helper.R. 第一个干净的方法是使用我所有的助手来构建一个程序包。 For now, I do not want to follow this method. 目前,我不想遵循此方法。 A second approach would be to name these helpers with a leading dot. 第二种方法是用一个前导点命名这些助手。 This annoys me to have to run R > .helper1() . 这让我不得不运行R > .helper1()

Best way would be to define these helpers in a specific and accessible environment, but I am messing with the code. 最好的方法是在特定且可访问的环境中定义这些帮助程序,但是我搞砸了代码。 My idea is to create first a new environment: 我的想法是首先创建一个新环境:

.helperEnv <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
attach(.helperEnv, name = '.helperEnv')

Fine, R > search() returns 'helperEnv' in the list. 好的, R > search()在列表中返回'helperEnv' Then I run : 然后我运行:

assign('helper1', helper1, envir = .helperEnv)

Fine, ls(.helperEnv) returns 'helper1' and this function does not appear anymore in my environment. 很好, ls(.helperEnv)返回'helper1',并且此功能在我的环境中不再出现。 The issue is I can't run helper1 (object not found). 问题是我无法运行helper1(找不到对象)。 I guess I am not on the right track and would appreciate some hints. 我想我走的路不正确,请多多指教。

I think you should assign the pos argument in your call to attach as a negative number: 我认为您应该在调用中分配pos参数以attach为负数:

    .helperEnv <- new.env()
    .helperEnv$myfunc<-function(x) x^3+1
    #function(x) x^3+1

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