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[英]WLST - force stop application

I am currently working with weblogic and the thing is that I deploy several applications on my weblogic server. 我目前正在使用weblogic,事情是在weblogic服务器上部署了几个应用程序。 Sadly, when one of this application fail to deploy for X/Y reason, I just want to force stop this application and to pass to the other one. 可悲的是,当该应用程序中的一个由于X / Y原因而无法部署时,我只想强制停止该应用程序并传递给另一个应用程序。

I've already looked into the WLST doc and I don't find what I am searching for. 我已经研究过WLST文档,但没有找到要搜索的内容。 Here is the function I use : 这是我使用的功能:

stopApplication(applicationName, gracefulProductionToAdmin="true", gracefulIgnoreSessions="true")

It takes about 5 minutes to stop application this way. 以这种方式停止应用大约需要5分钟。 When I stop application through Administration Console (force stop actually) it takes about 5 seconds to stop application. 当我通过管理控制台停止应用程序(实际上是强制停止)时,大约需要5秒钟才能停止应用程序。 So is there any way to force stop application through WLST script? 那么有什么方法可以通过WLST脚本强制停止应用程序?

Thanks 谢谢

Try again without the options. 不带选项重试。 Just the stopApplication(appName). 只是stopApplication(appName)。

This is what the admin console does, kills all existing sessions and drags it to prepared state. 管理控制台就是这样做的,它会杀死所有现有会话并将其拖到准备状态。 You are trying to stop it gradually and hence the delay. 您正在尝试逐渐停止它,因此会延迟。

You had mentioned, " when one of this application fail to deploy for X/Y reason, I just want to force stop this application and to pass to the other one. " If an application fails to deploy, you should not have to stop it. 您已经提到:“ when one of this application fail to deploy for X/Y reason, I just want to force stop this application and to pass to the other one.应用程序when one of this application fail to deploy for X/Y reason, I just want to force stop this application and to pass to the other one. ”如果某个应用程序部署失败,则不必停止它。 If the App runs, its successful correct? 如果该应用程序运行,其成功正确吗?

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