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使Ext JS中的ext窗口内的Ext GridPanel可调整大小

[英]To make Ext GridPanel resizeable inside ext window in Ext Js

I have Ext GridPanel inside Ext Window. 我在Ext窗口中有Ext GridPanel。 For making Ext Window Resizeable, I made its property true and it worked fine. 为了使Ext Window可调整大小,我将其属性设置为true并正常工作。

But, also want to make grid resizeable. 但是,还希望使网格可调整大小。 So, for that also I tried with resizeable: true . 因此,为此我也尝试了resizeable: true

No Luck! 没运气!

Here, my code for GridPanel 在这里,我的GridPanel代码

new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
   height: 295,
   id: 'productGrid',
   store: productStore,
   disableSelection: true,
   loadMask: true,
   stripeRows: true,
   region: 'south',
   resizeable: true, // not working
   autoExpandColumn: 'auto-expand',
   cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
          id: 'productColModel',
                columns: [
                     header: "column1",
                     dataIndex: 'name',
                     width: 110
                }, {
                     header: "column2",
                     dataIndex: "age",
                     sortable: false,
                     align: 'left',
                     width: 80
                }, {
                      id: 'auto-expand',
                      header: "Description",
                      dataIndex: 'description',
                      renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
                      return Ext.util.Format.stripTags(value);
                }, {
                       header: "Weight",
                       dataIndex: 'weight',
                       align: 'right',
                       width: 70
                }, {
                       header: "List Price",
                       dataIndex: 'listPrice',
                       align: 'right',
                       renderer: 'usMoney',
                       width: 80
                }, {
                       header: "Add",
                       width: 30,
                       dataIndex: 'id',
                       sortable: false,
                       renderer: function(value) {
                       return '<img class="columnHover" src="/scripts/shared/icons/fam/add.gif" height="16" width="16" />';

Please, tell what I need to do or I am doing anything wrong. 请告诉我我需要做什么,或者我做错了什么。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Check this function in the EXtJs docs 在EXtJs文档中检查此功能

onWindowResize( fn, scope, [options] )

Add a listener to be notified when the browser window is resized and provide resize event buffering (100 milliseconds), passes new viewport width and height to handlers. 添加一个侦听器,以便在调整浏览器窗口大小时得到通知,并提供调整大小事件缓冲(100毫秒),将新的视口宽度和高度传递给处理程序。

Example code looks like the below(You have to add this event and then fire it.) Adding the event in the init component looks like below(in the below this refers to grid scope) 示例代码如下所示(您必须添加此事件,然后将其触发。)将事件添加到init组件中如下所示(在下面,这是指网格范围)


Firing the event in the afterRender looks like below 在afterRender中触发事件如下所示

Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(function () {
        }, this, {buffer: 150});

You have to listen the event and set your width and height for your grid.Add the below listener to your grid. 您必须侦听事件并设置网格的宽度和高度。将以下侦听器添加到网格中。

 listeners: {
         BROWSER_WINDOW_RESIZE: this.handleResize,
         scope: this

           this.setHeight(Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height - 270);
           this.setWidth(Ext.getBody().getViewSize().width- 100);

Hope this helps you... 希望这对您有帮助...

ExtJs has different layouts that you can use according to your requirement. ExtJs具有不同的布局,您可以根据需要使用它们。 From your above code, it looks like you are not using any layout for your Grid Panel. 从上面的代码中,您似乎没有为网格面板使用任何布局。

Please refer this http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/layout-browser/layout-browser.html and try with some different layout combinations. 请参考此http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/layout-browser/layout-browser.html并尝试一些不同的布局组合。

Firstly try with layout: auto for your parent grid. 首先尝试使用layout: auto作为父网格。 After that you can use different layouts for child panels. 之后,您可以为子面板使用不同的布局。 For your grid panel, you can try with 对于网格面板,您可以尝试

layout: auto,
height: 'auto',
autoHeight: true, 
region : north, // you can try center as well

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