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使用PHP LDAP获取组成员的AD属性

[英]Get AD attributes of members of a group using PHP LDAP

I'm using PHP to query Active Directory. 我正在使用PHP查询Active Directory。 I need to get a few attributes (Office phone and email) of all the members of a specified group. 我需要获取指定组的所有成员的一些属性(Office电话和电子邮件)。

I can get the complete CNs of the users in the group, so, for example: 我可以获取组中用户的完整CN,因此,例如:

        $results = ldap_search($ds,$ldapbase, "cn=" . $group);
        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $results);
        $members = $entries[0]['member'];

            for ($i=0; $i< count($members) -1; $i++) {

                $mem = $members[$i];

                if($mem != "") {

                    $groupMembers[] = $mem;

will give me an array of members of the group like this: 将给我这样的一组小组成员:

 CN=Testlastname1\, Testfirstname1,OU=Personnel,OU=All Staff,DC=domain,DC=domainsuffix              
 CN=Testlastname2\, Testfirstname2,OU=All Staff,DC=domain,DC=domainsuffix               

My question, how can I take these results and query the attributes I need, namely the officephone and email address for each one? 我的问题是,如何获取这些结果并查询所需的属性,即每个属性的办公电话和电子邮件地址? Or am I going at it completely wrong? 还是我完全错了?

I have seen some things close to this and some (somewhat byzantine) examples that I cannot get to work. 我已经看到了一些与此相关的内容以及一些我无法工作的示例(有些拜占庭式)。 I have played with various filter syntax to no avail. 我玩过各种过滤器语法都无济于事。 There must be a way to take the individual results from the successful group query, retrieve the AD object described by the result, and extract the properties required, but I have yet to find it. 必须有一种方法可以从成功的组查询中获取单个结果,检索结果描述的AD对象,并提取所需的属性,但是我还没有找到它。

Any help is greatly appreciated. 任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

BTW - PHP Version 5.5.7 using FastCGI on Windows 2008R2, IIS7.5 BTW-在Windows 2008R2,IIS7.5上使用FastCGI的PHP 5.5.7版

The following should work somehow: 以下应该以某种方式工作:

foreach ($groupsmembers as $groupmember) {
    $result = ldap_search($ds,$groupmember, '*', 'officephone,mail');
    $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $results);
    $users[$groupmember]['officephone'] = $entries[0]['officephone'][0];
    $users[$groupmember]['mail'] = $entries[0]['mail'][0];

Main thing is, that you use the retrieved DN (which is the thingy with CN=Testlastname1\\, Testfirstname1,OU=Personnel,OU=All Staff,DC=domai.... ) as search-base and then retrieve the email and officephone-attributes from it. CN=Testlastname1\\, Testfirstname1,OU=Personnel,OU=All Staff,DC=domai....的是,您使用检索到的DN(在CN=Testlastname1\\, Testfirstname1,OU=Personnel,OU=All Staff,DC=domai.... )作为搜索基础,然后检索电子邮件和办公电话属性。

On the (Linux)-Commandline that would look like this: 在(Linux)-Commandline上,如下所示:

ldapsearch -h ldap-server -b "CN=Testlastname1, Testfirstname1,OU=Personnel,OU=All Staff,DC=domain,DC=domainsuffix" * mail,officephone

Hope that helps 希望能有所帮助

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