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[英]Changing css using javascript works inline but not from header

I have a div area that I want to change the css after the page loads. 我有一个div区域,我想在页面加载后更改CSS。 My HTML looks like the following 我的HTML如下所示

<div class='myArea'>

<script type="text/javascript">

And it works. 而且有效。 But if I move this to an external js file and reference the js file from the header, this doesn't work. 但是,如果我将其移至外部js文件并从标头引用js文件,则此操作将无效。 The following is the js code in the external file - 以下是外部文件中的js代码-

function init(){

window.addEventListener('load', init, false);

What might be the reason behind this 这可能是什么原因

You only have to put the code inside jQuery document ready function, $() is a shortcut to that function: 您只需要将代码放入jQuery文档ready函数中,$()是该函数的快捷方式:


Try this instead?: 试试这个吗?:

window.onload = function() {

Or, if you're already using jQuery, you could use their document ready(): http://api.jquery.com/ready/ 或者,如果您已经在使用jQuery,则可以使用其文档ready(): http : //api.jquery.com/ready/

$( document ).ready(function() {

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