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jQuery slideDown()

[英]Jquery slideDown()

I am using JQuery slideUp and slideDown on this site of mine. 我在我的这个站点上使用JQuery slideUp和slideDown。

http://ourrecipes.mdssoftware.com.au/ http://ourrecipes.mdssoftware.com.au/

In IE this works fine. 在IE中,此功能正常。 But in Chrome when the slideDown completes the page jitters for a second, as you will see. 但是,在Chrome中,当slideDown完成页面抖动一秒钟时,您将看到。

There is alot code so I dont want to post it. 有很多代码,所以我不想发布它。

But this is the javascript that does slide calls. 但这是可进行滑动调用的JavaScript。

Malcolm 马尔科姆

selectedRecipe = function (anchor) {

    var href = $(this).attr("href");
    var rid = href.split("-")[1];


    var url = "/Recipes/GetRecipeView";

        data: { rid: rid },
        beforeSend: function () { $.blockUI({ message: '<h2><img src="../Content/Images/FhHRx.gif" style="margin-top:20px;margin-right:20px"/> Loading...</h2>' }) },
        complete: function() { $.unblockUI() },
        success: function (data) {

To simplify the problem, if I type this into the js console, I duplicate the problem: 为了简化问题,如果我在js控制台中键入此命令,则重复该问题:


If I comment out the following css for #divrecipe: 如果我将以下CSS注释为#divrecipe:

/* height: 96%; */

then rerunning my test code doesn't exhibit the same effect. 然后重新运行我的测试代码不会显示出相同的效果。

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