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如何从2D arraylist获得价值

[英]how to get value from 2d arraylist

i have arraylists named sub and main, 我有名为sub和main的arraylist,

ArrayList main = new ArrayList();

ArrayList sub=new ArrayList();

i add value to sub and then add sub to main. 我将值添加到sub,然后将sub添加到main。

example; 例;


now i want to get all values inside sub 现在我想让子里面的所有值

 so i used following one but .get(j) gives me the error get >> canot find symbol

for (int i=0;i<main.size();i++) {

       for (int j=0;j<sub().size();j++) {
            System.out.print(main.get(i).get(j));//error line

how can i get all values inside subarray of main arraylist 我如何获取主arraylist的子数组内的所有值

When you declare a variable as 当您将变量声明为

ArrayList main;

This list holds Object s. 此列表包含Object This means that main.get(i) will only return an Object , even if you add ArrayList s. 这意味着即使您添加ArrayListmain.get(i)也只会返回一个Object That's why you get a compiler error: Object doesn't have a method named get() . 这就是为什么会出现编译器错误的原因: Object没有名为get()的方法。

To fix the problem, you need to use generics: 要解决此问题,您需要使用泛型:

ArrayList<List<Integer>> main = new ArrayList<>();

ArrayList<Integer> sub=new ArrayList<>();

Now get() will return a List<Integer> which has a get() method, so the compiler error will disappear. 现在, get()将返回具有get()方法的List<Integer> ,因此编译器错误将消失。

Generics could be your friend here: 泛型可能是您在这里的朋友:

ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> main = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>>(); // or new ArrayList<>(); in Java 7+
ArrayList<Object> sub = new ArrayList<Object>(); // or new ArrayList<>();

If you can't or don't want to use generics, the solution is to cast the expression main.get(i) to an ArrayList first: 如果您不能使用泛型,则解决方案是main.get(i)表达式main.get(i)转换为ArrayList

System.out.println(((ArrayList) main.get(i)).get(j));

Go through the following code 通过以下代码

public class ArrayListDemo {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      List<List<Integer>> main = new ArrayList<>();
      List<Integer> sub = new ArrayList<>();


      //If you want to get values in sub array list
      for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++){
          List<Integer> arr = main.get(i);
          for(Integer val : arr) System.out.println(val + "");

      //If you want to print all values
      for(List<Integer> list : main){
          for(Integer val : list) System.out.println(val + "");


} }

In the above code, I had declared an ArrayList (main) to keep all Array which are having Integer values. 在上面的代码中,我声明了一个ArrayList(主要)以保留所有具有Integer值的Array。 Also i had declared an another ArrayList (sub) to keep all Integer values. 我也声明了另一个ArrayList(子)来保留所有Integer值。 I had used ArrayList data structure because of length of the List will be changing the run time. 我曾经使用ArrayList数据结构,因为List的长度会改变运行时间。

Good Luck !!! 祝好运 !!!

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