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[英]Drupal : form spammed but no form submissions

In despite of the few anti-spam modules I installed and configured, I still get a lot of spam in my mailbox from my Drupal site. 尽管我安装和配置的反垃圾邮件模块很少,但我的Drupal站点的邮箱中仍然有很多垃圾邮件。 The bots use a classic contact form, but the thing is, that there are no form submissions when I check the results page! 机器人使用经典的联系表单,但事实是,当我检查结果页面时,没有表单提交! Is it normal, considering they are bots? 考虑到它们是机器人,这是正常的吗? I was thinking that they where perhaps using a google's cached version of the page. 我在想,他们可能在使用Google网页的缓存版本。

Do you have any ideas? 你有什么想法? I don't know what to try or install anymore! 我不知道该怎么尝试或安装!

Try using BOTCHA MODULE of Drupal. 尝试使用Drupal的BOTCHA模块。 It is very successful in preventing the BOTS submissions. 在阻止BOTS提交方面非常成功。 https://www.drupal.org/project/botcha Easy to configure also. https://www.drupal.org/project/botcha也易于配置。

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