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[英]Size of atomic types

Does the standard say that sizeof(std::atomic<T>) is equal to sizeof(T) ? 标准是否说sizeof(std::atomic<T>)等于sizeof(T)

(I'm investigating building union of atomic and other types for use across an ABI that ideally should not have STL types. If the sizes are identical then this could work). (我正在调查建立原子和其他类型的联合,以便在理想情况下不应该使用STL类型的ABI中使用。如果大小相同则可以使用)。

[atomics.types.generic]/p9 [atomics.types.generic] / P9

Note: The representation of an atomic specialization need not have the same size as its corresponding argument type. 注意:原子特化的表示不必与其对应的参数类型具有相同的大小。 Specializations should have the same size whenever possible, as this reduces the effort required to port existing code 专业化应尽可能具有相同的大小,因为这减少了移植现有代码所需的工作量

No, you can't assume that. 不,你不能这么认为。 It's a best-effort endeavor but no guarantees. 这是一项尽力而为的努力但无法保证。

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