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[英]How to find out which fonts are included on a page?

I need to get a list of all font names that are available for use on the page via @font-face declarations (whether in external stylesheets or inline <style> elements). 我需要获取所有可通过@font-face声明在页面上使用的字体名称的列表(无论是在外部样式表还是内联<style>元素中)。 This is for a script that will be included on pages I do not control. 这是针对我将无法控制的页面上包含的脚本的。

Ideally I'd like to do this without re-downloading all CSS files over AJAX and then parsing them. 理想情况下,我希望通过AJAX重新下载所有CSS文件然后解析它们就可以做到这一点。

But I can't use the new document.fonts API because I need this to be reasonably cross-browser (even IE7 if possible). 但是我不能使用新的document.fonts API,因为我需要使其成为合理的跨浏览器(如果可能的话甚至是IE7)。

Is there any way to do this without downloading and parsing the CSS? 有什么方法可以执行此操作而无需下载和解析CSS?

I think something like this would be a start: 我认为这将是一个开始:

var sheets = document.styleSheets,
    i, j;

for (i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
  sheet = sheets[i];
  for (j = 0; j < sheet.rules.length; j++) {
    rule = sheet.rules[j];
    if (typeof(rule.cssText) !== 'undefined' && rule.cssText.indexOf("font-face") !== -1) {
       console.log(rule.cssText); // you can parse the font name from rule.cssText here

Check below code, it might help 检查以下代码,可能有帮助

var ruleFontName = [];
$.each(document.styleSheets, function(sheetIndex, sheet) {
    $.each(sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules, function(ruleIndex, rule) {
        if (typeof(rule.cssText) !== 'undefined' && rule.cssText.indexOf("font-face") !== -1) {
        var fntSrc = (rule.cssText. match(/src: *url\(([^;]+)\);/i) || ["", ""])[1];
        var fntName = (rule.cssText.match(/font-family: *([^;]+);/i) || ["", ""])[1];
        add(ruleFontName,fntSrc,fntName )

//checking if array values are not repeated

     function add(arr, src, name) {
            var foundName = arr.some(function (el) {
              return el.fntName === name;
            var foundSrc = arr.some(function (el) {
              return el.fntSrc === src;
            if (!foundName && !foundSrc) {
                arr.push({ fntName: name, fntSrc: src });


JSFIDDLE : http://jsfiddle.net/hiteshbhilai2010/dpfpLyq1/47/ JSFIDDLEhttp//jsfiddle.net/hiteshbhilai2010/dpfpLyq1/47/

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