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[英]Regular expression to parse sequence IDs

I'm having a bit of trouble with using regular expressions to extract information from flat files (just text). 使用正则表达式从平面文件(仅文本)中提取信息时遇到了一些麻烦。 The files are structured as such: 文件的结构如下:


ID (eg >YAL001C) ID(例如> YAL001C)

Annotations/metadata (short phrases describing origin of ID) 注释/元数据(描述ID来源的简短短语)

Sequence (very long string of characters, eg KRHDE .... ~500 letters on average) 序列(很长的字符串,例如KRHDE ....平均〜500个字母)


I am trying to extract only IDs and sequences (skip all the metadata). 我试图仅提取ID和序列(跳过所有元数据)。 Unfortunately, list operations alone don't suffice, eg 不幸的是,仅列表操作是不够的,例如

with open("composition.in","rb") as all_info:

because the metadata/annotation part of the text is littered with '>' characters that cause the list that is generated to be incorrectly structured. 因为文本的元数据/注释部分用'>'字符填充,这会导致生成的列表的结构不正确。 List comprehensions get very ugly after a certain point, so I am trying the following: 列表理解在某一点之后变得非常难看,所以我尝试以下操作:

with open("composition.in","rb") as yeast_all:
yeast_all=yeast_all.read() # convert file to string

## Regular expression to clean up rogue ">" characters
## i.e. "<i>", "<sub>", etc which screw up
## the structure of the eveuntual list
import re
id_delimeter = r'^>{1}+\w{7,10}+\s' 
match=re.search(id_delimeter, yeast_all)
if match:
    print 'found', match.group()
    print 'did not find'        

I get only an error message saying "error: multiple repeat" 我仅收到一条错误消息,提示“错误:多次重复”

The IDs are of type: ID的类型为:




The first character is always ">", followed by capital letters and numbers and sometimes dashes (-). 第一个字符始终是“>”,后跟大写字母和数字,有时还包括破折号(-)。 I would like a RE that could be used to find all such occurrences and split the text using the RE as a delimeter in order to get IDs and sequences and leave out metadata. 我想要一个可用于查找所有此类事件的R​​E,并使用RE作为分隔符来分割文本,以获取ID和序列并忽略元数据。 I am new to regular expressions so have limited knowledge of the topic! 我是正则表达式的新手,因此对该主题的了解有限!

Note: Only a single newline between each of the three fields (ID, metadata, sequence) 注意:三个字段(ID,元数据,序列)之间只有一个换行符

Try 尝试


You'll find the ID in the group id and the sequence in the group sequence . 你会发现在该组的ID id ,并在该组的序列sequence

Demo. 演示

Explanation: 说明:

> # start with a ">" character
(?P<id> # capture the ID in group "id"
    [\w-]+ # this matches any number (>1) of word characters (A to Z, a to z, digits, and _) or dashes "-"
\s+ # after the ID, there must be at least one whitespace character
.* # consume the metadata part, we have no interest in this
\n # up to a newline
(?P<sequence> # finally, capture the sequence data in group "sequence"
    [\w\n]+ # this matches any number (>1) of word characters and newlines.

As python code: 作为python代码:

text= '''>YKL068W-A


pattern= '>(?P<id>[\w-]+)\n.*\n(?P<sequence>\w+)'

for id, sequence in re.findall(pattern, text):
    print((id, sequence))

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