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[英]How to use Counter enabled loop processing of mysql query?

I have a database named creative_db Table name is store_weblinks . 我有一个名为creative_db的数据库。表名为store_weblinks Now inside this table there are several columns that holds the entire site's weblinks. 现在,此表内有几列包含整个网站的网络链接。 My focus is on this column - weblinks_status 我的重点是此专栏-weblinks_status

Now weblinks_status contains 2 values = waiting and live 现在,weblinks_status包含2个值= Waiting and live

So here's what I intend to do - Update any 10 waiting to live status. 因此,这就是我要执行的操作-更新任何10个处于等待状态的状态。

I think I need a loop of some kind that would keep a count of how many successful edits are taking place. 我认为我需要某种形式的循环,以保持对成功编辑进行的计数。 Once that hits 10 it will stop processing.. 一旦达到10,它将停止处理。

So, its like this -- Check if the current item of weblinks_status is waiting. 因此,就像这样-检查weblinks_status的当前项目是否正在等待。 If it is waiting then change it to live and increment the loop counter else proceed to the next waiting item.. 如果正在等待,则将其更改为活动并递增循环计数器,否则继续进行下一个等待的项目。

Need your help! 需要你的帮助!

Try this STATEMENT: 试试这个陈述:

UPDATE store_weblinks 
SET weblinks_status="live" 
WHERE weblinks_status="waiting" 

This should work to update any 10 entries from waiting to live. 这应该可以使任何10个条目都不再等待直播。

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