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[英]Devise and Rspec - error in controller test when testing redirect for unauthenticated users

I'm trying to write a test that makes sure unauthenticated useres are not able to access a certain page. 我正在尝试编写一个测试,以确保未经身份验证的用户无法访问特定页面。 Here is my spec 这是我的规格

   it "redirects to the sign in page for unauthenticated users" do
      bob = Fabricate(:user)
      sign_out bob
      carolina_skiff = Fabricate(:boat_brand)
      get :edit, id: carolina_skiff.id
      expect(response).to redirect_to new_user_session_path

When I run this I get this error. 当我运行它时,我得到这个错误。

Failure/Error: get :edit, id: carolina_skiff.id
       uncaught throw :warden

It seems like I'm not able to log out a user. 看来我无法注销用户。 I have another spec where I'm signing in a user and that one works fine. 我有另一个要登录用户的规范,该规范可以正常工作。

   it "sets the @boat_brand" do
      bob = Fabricate(:user)
      sign_in bob
      carolina_skiff = Fabricate(:boat_brand)
      get :edit, id: carolina_skiff.id
      expect(assigns(:boat_brand)).to eq(carolina_skiff)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

I don't know if it will help, but I came across similar problem when trying to do functional tests of devise redirection after log in. These are important points: 我不知道这是否有帮助,但是在登录后尝试进行设计重定向的功能测试时遇到了类似的问题。这些要点:

  1. Test exactly Devise::SessionsController (not eg. UsersController) or write test Devise::SessionsController 精确测试Devise::SessionsController (例如,不能使用UsersController)或编写test Devise::SessionsController
  2. Force correct mapping as described in docs: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Test-controllers-with-Rails-3-and-4-(and-RSpec) 强制按照文档中的描述进行正确的映射: https : //github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To : -Test- controllers-with-Rails-3-and-4-(and- RSpec)
  3. include Devise::TestHelpers 包括Devise :: TestHelpers

Sample test with redirection can look like this: 带有重定向的样本测试如下所示:

require "test_helper"

describe 'Devise::SessionsControllerTest' do
  # If you want different name in describe block write:
  # tests Devise::SessionsController

  include Devise::TestHelpers

  test "should redirect to page_x after logged in" do
    @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
    user = users :user
    sign_in user
    get :new
    assert_redirected_to orders_path

Where :user is just regular valid devise user, and orders_path is expected redirect path after log in. This is not exact log in test but rather test of the redirection from login page for logged in user (to be precise). 其中:user只是常规的有效devise用户,而orders_path是登录后的重定向路径。这不是精确的登录测试,而是对登录用户从登录页面进行重定向的测试(准确地说)。

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