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[英]Rails form not submitting on change with ajax

I'm working on a little todo list app with ruby on rails and I'd like to submit a form via ajax when a checkbox is selected. 我正在开发一个带有ruby on rails的小型待办事项列表应用程序,当我选择一个复选框时,我想通过ajax提交表单。 I've been following this guide to try and do this. 我一直在按照本指南尝试这样做。

Changing the checkbox didn't submit the form though, so I searched on SO for similar questions and made some updates to my code. 虽然更改复选框没有提交表单,所以我在SO上搜索了类似的问题,并对我的代码进行了一些更新。

  1. Using on() instead of live() 使用on()而不是live()
  2. Submitting the closest form instead of form.first since I have a list of these forms on the same page 提交最接近的表单而不是form.first,因为我在同一页面上有这些表单的列表

It still won't submit though. 它仍然不会提交。 I have a feeling it's not watching '.submittable' correctly because I can't even get an alert to flash when a checkbox is clicked. 我有一种感觉,它没有正确地观看'.submittable',因为当点击一个复选框时我甚至无法获得闪光警报。

Any pointers? 有什么指针吗? Have I forgotten something? 我忘记了什么吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

index.html.erb index.html.erb

<table class="table table-striped">
    <th>Task Description</th>
    <th width="15%">Days Left</th>
    <th width="15%">Completed?</th>
  <% @tasks.each do |task| %>
    <td><%= task.description %></td>
    <td><%= task.days_remaining %> days left</td>
    <td><%= form_for task, remote: true  do |f| %>
        <%= f.check_box 'completed', id: "task-#{task.id}", class: 'submittable' %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

application.js 的application.js

$('.submittable').on('change', function() {

update.js.erb update.js.erb

<% if @task.updated? %>
   $('#task-' +<%= @task.id %>).prepend("Yes");
<% else %>
   $('#task-' +<%= @task.id %>).prepend("<div class='alert alert-error'><%= flash[:error] %></div>");
<% end %>

Your code doesn't seem to be wrapped in a call to $(document).ready() , so jQuery is probably trying to bind the event before your checkbox loads. 您的代码似乎没有包含在对$(document).ready()的调用中,因此jQuery可能会在您加载复选框之前尝试绑定事件。 Try this instead: 试试这个:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('.submittable').on('change', function() {

You have to wait until the dom is loads 你必须等到dom加载

 $('.submittable').on('change', function() {

then make sure in your controller update action 然后确保在控制器更新操作中

respond_to do |format|
  if @object.update(object_params)

see this episode of railscasts he is explaining what you want to do 看到这一的railscast,他正在解释你想做什么

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