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[英]Upload base64 string image

I have a plugin which crops my image and sends back a base64 data that looks like this: ... . 我有一个插件可以...图像并发送回如下所示的base64数据: ... How can I upload this returned image via file upload field in my form to my server? 如何通过表单中的文件上载字段将此返回的图像上载到服务器?


PS: In short I want to automaticly add returned image to my file input field of my form. PS:简而言之,我想将返回的图像自动添加到表单的文件输入字段中。

The same way you upload any other string to your server. 将其他任何字符串上传到服务器的方式相同。 The fact that the string is Base64 doesn't change anything. 字符串为Base64的事实不会更改任何内容。

You can put it in an <input type="hidden"> , then use PHP code to decode the Base64 and save the bytes somewhere. 您可以将其放在<input type="hidden"> ,然后使用PHP代码解码Base64并将字节保存在某处。


$image =chunk_split( base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES['image_name']['tmp_name'])));

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