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[英]Entering Hash to reset password and not Actual User Password

I have an update password page that won't let me enter the actual current password for the current password field. 我有一个更新密码页面,该页面不允许我在“当前密码”字段中输入实际的当前密码。 Instead, it wants the hashed password. 相反,它需要哈希密码。 Once changed however, the new one is then hashed, which is a good thing. 但是,一旦更改,则对新的哈希进行哈希处理,这是一件好事。 I just need to be able to enter the actual password and not hashed. 我只需要能够输入实际的密码而不是散列即可。

Yes I know, no md5; 是的,我知道,没有md5; this is more for testing is all. 这更多的是测试。

changepassword.js changepassword.js

function validatePassword() {
var currentPassword,newPassword,confirmPassword,output = true;

currentPassword = document.frmChange.currentPassword;
newPassword = document.frmChange.newPassword;
confirmPassword = document.frmChange.confirmPassword;

if(!currentPassword.value) {
document.getElementById("currentPassword").innerHTML = "required";
output = false;
else if(!newPassword.value) {
document.getElementById("newPassword").innerHTML = "required";
output = false;
else if(!confirmPassword.value) {
document.getElementById("confirmPassword").innerHTML = "required";
output = false;
if(newPassword.value != confirmPassword.value) {
document.getElementById("confirmPassword").innerHTML = "not same";
output = false;
return output;

updatepassword.php updatepassword.php

    include 'core/login.php';    === this contains the connection, it's obviously good ===
    include 'includes/head.php';  === changepassword.js is linked in the head ===   
    if(count($_POST)>0) {
    $result = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT *from users WHERE id='" . $_SESSION["id"] . "'");
    $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
    if($_POST["currentPassword"] == $row["password"]) {
    mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE users set `password`='" .md5(md5($_POST['newPassword'])) . "' WHERE id='" . $_SESSION["id"] . "'");
    $message = "Password Changed";
    } else $errormessage = "Current Password is not correct";

form on same page: 同一页上的表格:

<div class="container">
            <div class="text-center">
                <h4>Change password below</h4>
            </div><br />

            <div class="message"><?php if(isset($message)) { echo $message; } ?></div>
            <div class="message"><?php if(isset($errormessage)) { echo $errormessage; } ?></div>

            <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">                                                      
                <form name="frmChange" method="post" action="" onSubmit="return validatePassword()">

                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label>Current Password*</label>  
                        <input type="text" name="currentPassword" class="form-control input-md" />
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label>New Password*</label>  
                        <input type="text" name="newPassword" class="form-control input-md" />
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label>Confirm Password*</label>  
                        <input type="text" name="confirmPassword" class="form-control input-md" />
                    <br />                  
                    <div class="text-center"> 
                        <input type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Submit" />        


Your problem is here: 您的问题在这里:

if($_POST["currentPassword"] == $row["password"]) {

You are comparing the actual text version of the hash (say "password") to the hashed version of that password (say "213y789hwuhui1dh"). 您正在将哈希的实际文本版本(例如“ password”)与该密码的哈希版本(例如“ 213y789hwuhui1dh”)进行比较。 This evaluates out to: 评估结果为:

if("password" == "213y789hwuhui1dh") {

Which obviously is never accurate. 这显然永远是不准确的。 All you have to do to solve the problem is hash the password in the same way you did when you created it. 解决该问题所需要做的就是以与创建密码时相同的方式对密码进行哈希处理。 If I understand your code properly, that should be: 如果我正确理解您的代码,则应为:

if(md5(md5($_POST["currentPassword"]))==$row["password"]) {


Please note that this code would be super easy to inject into. 请注意,此代码非常容易插入。 All a user would have to do is end the "currentPassword" POST value with '; SHOW DATABASE; 用户所需要做的就是在“ currentPassword” POST值后加上'; SHOW DATABASE; '; SHOW DATABASE; and they would have unlimited access to your server's MySQL database. 并且他们将无限制地访问服务器的MySQL数据库。 Consider learning to use MySQLi Prepared Statements. 考虑学习使用MySQLi预处理语句。 They are easy to understand, and easy to implement. 它们易于理解,易于实施。

I went overboard. 我太过分了。 Your other question was closed. 您的其他问题已关闭。 Juuuuust gonna leave this here... I'm using PHP version PHP 5.2.0. Juuuuust会留在这里...我正在使用PHP版本PHP 5.2.0。


// so I don't actually have to test form submission, too... 
$_POST['current_password'] = 'Tacotaco'; 
$_POST['new_password']     = 'NINrocksOMG';
$_POST['confirmPassword']  = 'NINrocksOMG'; 
$_SESSION['id'] = 1;

// this is Tacotaco encrypted... update your db to test
// update users set password = '$2y$10$fc48JbA0dQ5dBB8MmXjVqumph1bRB/4zBzKIFOVic9/tqoN7Ui59e' where id=1

// the following is sooooo ugly... don't leave it this way 

if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])            or empty($_SESSION['id']) or
    !isset($_POST['current_password']) or empty($_POST['current_password']) or 
    !isset($_POST['new_password'])     or empty($_POST['new_password']) or 
    !isset($_POST['confirmPassword'])  or empty($_POST['confirmPassword']) ) {
   $message = 'Please enter your password';
else {
   $sid = $_SESSION['id'];

   $currpass = $_POST['current_password'];
   $newpass  = $_POST['new_password'];
   $conpass  = $_POST['confirmPassword'];

   $message  = validate_password($sid, $currpass, $newpass, $conpass);

print "<br/>$message<br/>";

function validate_password($sid, $currpass, $newpass, $conpass) {
   $mysqli = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','test')
               or die('Error ' . mysqli_error($link));

   $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('select id, password from users where id = ?');
   $stmt->bind_param("s", $sid);
   $stmt->bind_result($userid, $userpass);

   $message = '';

   if ($stmt->fetch()) { 

      if (strlen($newpass) < 8) {
         $message = 'Please enter a password with at least 8 characters';
      elseif (!preg_match('`[A-Z]`', $newpass)) {
         $message = 'Please enter at least 1 capital letter';
      elseif ($newpass !== $conpass) { 
         $message = 'Your passwords do not match.';
      else {  
         if (password_verify($currpass, $userpass)) {  
            $hashed_new = password_hash($newpass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);  
            $query = 'update users set password = ? where id = ?'; 
            $stmt_new = $mysqli->prepare($query); 

            $stmt_new->bind_param('ss', $hashed_new, $sid);
            if ($stmt_new->execute()) {
               $message = 'Password Changed';
            else {
               $message = $mysqli->error;
         else $message = 'Current Password is not correct';
   else {
      $message = 'user not found for id $sid';

   return $message;

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