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std :: vector push_back错误

[英]Error with std::vector push_back

I am trying to use the std::vector push_back method to insert Node objects into a vector that stores template Node objects. 我正在尝试使用std :: vector push_back方法将Node对象插入存储模板Node对象的向量中。 The error I am getting I believe is saying that the input I am using for the push_back method is not the correct type? 我所遇到的错误相信是我为push_back方法使用的输入类型不正确? Can someone please explain this to me? 有人可以向我解释一下吗?

根据错误消息判断,看起来v (类成员,而不是构造函数中怪异且无意义的局部变量)在应为vector<Node<T>>时被声明为vector<int>* (或也许vector<T>* )。 vector<Node<T>>

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