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[英]xml2js, attribute name contains a hyphen

Using xml2js to parse an XML file, I need to retrieve the value of an attribute which contains a hyphen in its name 使用xml2js解析XML文件时,我需要检索名称中包含连字符的属性的值

<item cdr-id="1234">
    <name>some text</name>

At the point where I'm trying to retrieve cdr-id , I already have a variable item which points to the item element. 在我试图检索cdr-id ,我已经有一个指向item元素的变量item I've verified it's pointing to the proper node with 我已经验证它指向正确的节点


and that returns the expected value some text . 然后返回期望值some text But when I try 但是当我尝试


I get the completely reasonable error ReferenceError: id is not defined (I'd have been more surprised if id wasn't treated as a separate token). 我得到了完全合理的错误ReferenceError: id is not defined (如果未将id视为单独的标记,我会感到更加惊讶)。

Likewise, 同样,


gets the message SyntaxError: Unexpected string . 获取消息SyntaxError: Unexpected string

Throwing JSON.stringify around it 抛出JSON.stringify

console.log( JSON.stringify(item.$));

reveals the original attribute name: {"cdr-id":"CDR0000040222"} 显示原始属性名称: {"cdr-id":"CDR0000040222"}

Not having hyphens in the name in the first place just kicks the problem down the road a bit. 首先,在名称中不使用连字符只会使问题进一步解决。 Failing that, it looks like providing a custom attribute name processor is the way to go, but that smacks of being "too clever" with potential for confusion if anyone ever has to update this code. 失败的话,提供自定义属性名称处理器似乎是必经之路,但是如果有人必须更新此代码,就会显得“太聪明”而容易产生混乱。

Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?



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