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在Amazon s3上使用Node备份文件

[英]Backup files with Node on Amazon s3

I'm pretty new in Node.. 我在Node.net上还很新。

I'm trying to create a backup of my files and send to the bucket in my Amazon S3. 我正在尝试创建文件备份并将其发送到Amazon S3中的存储桶。 Does anyone know if there is a tutorial for doing this? 有人知道是否有用于执行此操作的教程吗?

I was looking on the AWS site, but i found nothing.. -> http://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-node-js/ 我在AWS站点上查找,但是什么也没找到。-> http://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-node-js/

I'm sorry, I know this question is not very good, but I researched on google and i found nothing.. is not simple to do this, i think.. 对不起,我知道这个问题不是很好,但是我在Google上进行了研究,但是我什么也没发现。

Thanks. 谢谢。

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