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python中的Tkinter grid()对齐问题

[英]Tkinter grid() alignment issue in python

I have been working in python for the first time and basically I am trying to get these to labels to align in the correct columns and the correct row but for some reason it doesn't move down rows and the columns are not correct either. 我第一次使用python,基本上我正在尝试将它们添加到标签中以在正确的列和正确的行中对齐,但是由于某种原因,它不会向下移动行并且列也不正确。 Any help would be much appreciated! 任何帮助将非常感激!

CODE: 码:

    from tkinter import *
    import sys

    #Setup GUI

    #Create main window
    main = Tk();
    #Create title of main window
    main.title = "Waterizer 1.0";
    #Create default size of main window
    #Lets get a fram to stick the data in we plan on using
    mainApp = Frame(main);
    #Snap to grid
    #Font for main labels
    labelFont = ('times', 20, 'bold');
    #Label for the Power
    powerLabel = Label(mainApp, text="Power  Status");
    powerLabel.config(fg="Red", bd="1");
    powerLabel.grid( row=0,column=20,columnspan=4, sticky = W);
    #Label for Water
    waterLabel = Label(mainApp, text="Water Status");
    waterLabel.config(fg="Blue", bd="1");
    waterLabel.grid(row=20, column=20, columnspan=4, sticky = W);

Now I will attach an image for you guys to see how it displays... which is not correct :-( 现在,我将为您附加一个图像,以查看其显示方式...这是不正确的:-(


If a row or column does not contain anything, it is then of size 1 pixel, which is very small. 如果行或列不包含任何内容,则其大小为1像素,这非常小。 What you see in the output is actually the two text 20 rows apart. 您在输出中看到的实际上是相隔20行的两个文本。 Add in widgets, and you will see your result. 添加小部件,您将看到结果。

You can also use grid_rowconfigure , grid_columnconfigure and sticky properties in order to specify how a widget in a grid stretches. 您还可以使用grid_rowconfiguregrid_columnconfiguresticky属性来指定网格grid_columnconfigure部件的拉伸方式。 That way you can place your widgets in the right screen locations. 这样,您可以将小部件放置在正确的屏幕位置。

Have a look at my answer here for more details on how to use grid properties: Tkinter. 请在这里查看我的答案,以获取有关如何使用网格属性的更多详细信息: Tkinter。 subframe of root does not show 根子帧不显示

To understand your grid better, I added another widget to you code: 为了更好地了解您的网格,我向您的代码添加了另一个小部件:

from tkinter import *
import sys
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText

#Setup GUI

#Create main window
main = Tk()
#Create title of main window
main.title = "Waterizer 1.0"
#Create default size of main window
#Lets get a fram to stick the data in we plan on using
mainApp = Frame(main)
#Snap to grid
mainApp.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
#main grid stretching properties
main.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
main.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
#Font for main labels
labelFont = ('times', 20, 'bold')
#Label for the Power
powerLabel = Label(mainApp, text="Power  Status")
powerLabel.config(fg="Red", bd="1")
powerLabel.grid( row=0,column=20, sticky = W)
#Label for Water
waterLabel = Label(mainApp, text="Water Status")
waterLabel.config(fg="Blue", bd="1")
waterLabel.grid(row=20, column=20, sticky = W)
#ScrollText to fill in between space
ScrollText = ScrolledText(mainApp)
ScrollText.grid(row=1, column=20,sticky = 'nsew')
#mainApp grid stretching properties
mainApp.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
mainApp.grid_columnconfigure(20, weight=1)


Try this. 尝试这个。

PS: You do not need ; PS:您不需要; after every line python 每行python之后

Empty rows have a height of zero, and empty columns have a width of zero. 空行的高度为零,空列的宽度为零。 Grid is behaving as designed with your code, since there are no widgets in rows 1-19, and no widgets in columns 0-19. 网格的行为与您的代码设计一致,因为第1-19行中没有小部件,而第0-19列中没有小部件。 Put something in the other rows and columns and your labels will move. 在其他行和列中放置一些内容,标签将移动。

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