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[英]Laravel eloquent get model on date

I want to get all users created on a specified date: 我想在指定日期创建所有用户:

// $date is a Carbon instance parsed from command line argument.
// I checked it and it is correct.

$users = User::where('created_at', '>', $date->startOfDay())
    ->where('created_at', '<', $date->endOfDay())

But this returns 0 results, whereas in the database there are rows that correspond to that date. 但这将返回0个结果,而在数据库中有对应于该日期的行。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Carbon doesn't behave like value object (ie. it's not immutable), so this: Carbon行为不像值对象(即,它不是一成不变的),因此:


simply modifies the $date object and returns it back. 只需修改$date对象并将其返回。 That being said, the string that is passed to the query, is obtained when PDO binds it in the prepared statement, when $date is already mutated to endOfDay . 就是说,当$date已经突变为endOfDay时,当PDO在准备好的语句中将其绑定时,将获得传递给查询的字符串。

It means that you just pass reference to the object: 这意味着您只需传递对对象的引用:

$start === $end; // true

So either use different objects: 因此,要么使用不同的对象:

$users = User::where('created_at', '>', $date->copy()->startOfDay())
  ->where('created_at', '<', $date->copy()->endOfDay())

or simply return the string you need in place, instead of the Carbon object: 或简单地返回您需要的字符串,而不是Carbon对象:

$users = User::where('created_at', '>', $date->startOfDay()->toDateTimeString())
  ->where('created_at', '<', $date->endOfDay()->toDateTimeString())

still, $date will now hold xxxx-xx-xx 23:59:59 timestamp, so keep this in mind in case you need to work with this variable somewhere else. 不过, $date现在将保留xxxx-xx-xx 23:59:59时间戳,因此请记住这一点,以防您需要在其他地方使用此变量。

The problem is not Laravel itself here but Carbon. 问题不在于Laravel本身,而是Carbon。

When using the following code: 使用以下代码时:

use Carbon\Carbon;
$date = new Carbon('2014-10-07');

$start = $date->startOfDay();

$end = $date->endOfDay();

echo $start.' '.$end;

what you get is: 您得到的是:

2014-10-07 23:59:59 2014-10-07 23:59:59

so Laravel will execute query: 所以Laravel将执行查询:

select * from `users` where `created_at` >'2014-10-07 23:59:59' and `created_at` <'2014-10-07 23:59:59';

and obviously you will get no results. 很显然,您将不会获得任何结果。

As you see $start result is not what you expect here. 如您所见, $start结果不是您期望的结果。

to make it work the solution I found is creating 2 carbon objects: 为了使它起作用,我发现的解决方案是创建2个碳对象:

use Carbon\Carbon;
$date = new Carbon('2014-10-07');
$date2 = new Carbon('2014-10-07');

$start = $date->startOfDay();

$end = $date2->endOfDay();

echo $start.' '.$end;

Now result is as expected: 现在结果符合预期:

2014-10-07 00:00:00 2014-10-07 23:59:59

Now you can use: 现在您可以使用:

use Carbon\Carbon;
$date = new Carbon('2014-10-07');
$date2 = new Carbon('2014-10-07');

$users = User::where('created_at', '>', $date->startOfDay())
    ->where('created_at', '<', $date2->endOfDay())

or 要么

use Carbon\Carbon;
$date = new Carbon('2014-10-07');
$date2 = new Carbon('2014-10-07');

$users = User::whereBetween('created_at', [$date->startOfDay(), $date2->endOfDay()])->get();

In your query lefts the table name: 在查询中保留表名:

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->where('votes', '>', 100)
                ->orWhere('name', 'John')

Look: http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/queries#selects 外观: http//laravel.com/docs/4.2/queries#selects

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