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如何在Excel VBA中获得唯一值计数?

[英]How to get unique value Counts in Excel VBA?

*Hi All, *大家好,

I need to find count of unique values from multiple fields using VBA SQl method, below i have provided all the information. 我需要使用VBA SQl方法从多个字段中找到唯一值的计数,以下我提供了所有信息。

My data is look like a* 我的数据看起来像一个*

VC      SMP#    JDEStyle    PO#         QTY
ARU     10176   AM7619      F117849OG   64
ARU     10176   AM7619      F118215OG   192
ARU     10176   AM7619      F248062OD   336
ARU     653     AE7968      F114004O6   1
ARU     653     AE7968      F241623O4   18
ARU     653     AE7968      F8340O4     1
GOK     2061    SM8360      F248018OD   246
GOK     2061    SM8360      F248019OD   360
GOK     2061    SM8360      F248020OD   774
GOK     2061    SM8360      F248021OD   66
GOK     2061    SM8360      F248022OD   372
GOK     2061    SM8360      F256233OD   120
GOK     2061    SM8360      F256234OD   360
GOK     2061    SM8360      F256235OD   120
GOK     2061    SM8360      F256236OD   360
IND     10176   AB7049      F118324OG   217
IND     10176   AB7049      F258738OD   87
IND     10176   AB7049      F258739OD   540
IND     2068    AB7011      F114006O6   5
IND     2068    AB7011      F241625O4   3
SEP     10313   AL4596      F117270OG   4005
SEP     10313   AL4596      F118173OG   7911
SEP     10313   AL4596      F254362OD   540
SEP     10313   AL4596      F254365OD   150

and my expecting output is 我期望的输出是

VC   SMP #  JDEStyle    PO #    QTY
ARU  10176  1            3      592
ARU  653    1            3      20
GOK  2061   1            9      2778
IND  10176  1            3      844
IND  2068   1            2      8
SEP  10313  1            4      12606

But i am getting output like 但是我得到的输出像

 VC   SMP #     JDE Style   Count of PO #   Sum of QTY
ARU   10176     3           3               592
ARU   653       3           3               20
GOK   2061      9           9               2778
IND   10176     3           3               844
IND   2068      2           2               8
SEP   10313     4           4               12606

and my code is 我的代码是

Sub Quality_audit()
Dim query1 As String
Dim path As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim m As Long
Dim wks As Worksheet
path = "U:\BA\Testing\QA\2014.09.29 SP 15 PROD FLW UP RAW DATA.xlsx"
query1 = "Select  distinct [VC],  [SMP #], Count([JDEStyle]) as 'JDE', Count ([PO #]) as PO, Sum ([Quantity]) as QTY from [Page 1$] where [SMP #] is not null AND ([VC] <> 'HEA' AND [VC] <> 'JMS' AND [VC] <> 'SJL') group by [VC],  [SMP #]"

Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
With conn
.Provider = "microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;"
.ConnectionString = "Data source = " & path & ";" & _
"extended properties = excel 12.0;"
End With

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = conn.Execute(query1)


Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset rs
n = 1
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Cells(1, n).Value = rs.Fields(i).Name
n = n + 1
end sub

Your help will be appreciated 您的帮助将不胜感激

Well, here is a alternate solution you may wish to explore if your returned records are less than several thousand. 好吧,这是您可能希望探讨的替代解决方案,如果您返回的记录少于几千条。


The formulas are: 公式为:

G2 - =IF(LEN(G1),IFERROR(INDEX(A$2:A$999, MATCH(0, IF(LEN(A$2:A$999), COUNTIFS($G$1:$G1,$A$2:$A$999,$H$1:$H1,$B$2:$B$999), 1),0)),""),"") Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Delete), copy to H2. G2- =IF(LEN(G1),IFERROR(INDEX(A$2:A$999, MATCH(0, IF(LEN(A$2:A$999), COUNTIFS($G$1:$G1,$A$2:$A$999,$H$1:$H1,$B$2:$B$999), 1),0)),""),"")数组公式(Ctrl + Shift + Delete),复制到H2。

I2 - =IF(LEN($G2),SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$999=$G2)*($B$2:$B$999=$H2)/COUNTIF(C$2:C$999, C$2:C$999&"")),"") Standard formula, copy to J2. I2- =IF(LEN($G2),SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$999=$G2)*($B$2:$B$999=$H2)/COUNTIF(C$2:C$999, C$2:C$999&"")),"")标准公式,复制到J2。

K2 - =IF(LEN(G2),SUMIFS($E$2:$E$999,$A$2:$A$999,$G2,$B$2:$B$999,$H2),"") Standard formula. K2- =IF(LEN(G2),SUMIFS($E$2:$E$999,$A$2:$A$999,$G2,$B$2:$B$999,$H2),"")标准公式。 Fill all five formulas down as necessary to catch the records you require. 根据需要填写所有五个公式,以获取所需的记录。

As you are surely aware, array formulas and SUMPRODUCT chew up calculation resources remorselessly. 如您所知,数组公式和SUMPRODUCT毫不SUMPRODUCT消耗了计算资源。 However, if a pivot table was ever considered this may be a viable option. 但是,如果曾经考虑过使用数据透视表,则这可能是一个可行的选择。

Is the problem that you're having not getting the distinct counts correct? 您没有获得非重复计数的问题正确吗? The problem would be with the SQL then, yes? 那么问题出在SQL上,是吗? I think your DISTINCT is in the wrong place. 我认为您的DISTINCT位置错误。

    Count(distinct jdestyle) as 'JDE',
    Count (distinct po) as 'PO', 
    Sum (qty) as 'QTY' 
from stuff 
group by VC, SMP;

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