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[英]Recall javascript array index value

I'm implementing a way to track clicks in a tabbed content section. 我正在实现一种跟踪选项卡式内容部分中点击的方法。

When I click any tab, the parameter is passing as clicked=tab4. 当我单击任何选项卡时,该参数将作为clicked = tab4传递。 It should be clicked=tab(value of 0-3). 应该单击== tab(值为0-3)。 It looks like it's returning the length of the array? 看起来它正在返回数组的长度? How can I make the event listener function keep the index value of the array. 如何使事件侦听器函数保留数组的索引值。

Example: when I click tab1, the variable "i" in the event listener should be 0. 示例:当我单击tab1时,事件侦听器中的变量“ i”应为0。

Here is my code. 这是我的代码。 It works except for this one part, and I can't figure out why. 除这一部分外,它都有效,我不知道为什么。

function clickTrack(){
    var tabs = ['tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4'];
    for(i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
        document.getElementById(tabs[i]).addEventListener("click", function(){
                trackingFunction('param1','clicked=tab'+ i); 


You have to define an new execution context in order to save the state of the index variable like: 您必须定义一个新的执行上下文以保存索引变量的状态,例如:

function clickTrack(){
        var tabs = ['tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4'];
        for(i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
            document.getElementById(tabs[i]).addEventListener("click", function(){
                    trackingFunction('param1','clicked=tab'+ index); 

An Immediately-Invoked Function Expression can be used to “lock in” values and effectively save state of the index variable. 立即调用的函数表达式可用于“锁定”值并有效保存索引变量的状态。

This would be a lot cleaner with forEach() : 使用forEach()会更干净:

function clickTrack(){
    ['tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4'].forEach(function(tabId) {
        document.getElementById(tabId).addEventListener("click", function(){
            trackingFunction('param1','clicked=' + tabId);

Note: Array#forEach is IE9+, so you would need to polyfill it for older browsers. 注意: Array#forEach是IE9 +,因此对于较旧的浏览器,您需要对其进行填充。

Regarding the why part of your question, let's look at a relevant subset of your code: 关于问题的部分原因 ,让我们看一下代码的相关子集:

for(i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
    document.getElementById(tabs[i]).addEventListener("click", function(){

The thing to note here is the closure that is created by click event handler. 这里要注意的是单击事件处理程序创建的闭包。 Specifically, it retains a reference to the i variable, which continues to be incremented until the i < tabs.length condition fails. 具体来说,它保留对i变量的引用,该引用将继续增加,直到i < tabs.length条件失败为止。 All those increments happen synchronously, so by the time the click handler ever runs, it's guaranteed that the value of i will be tabs.length . 所有这些增量都是同步发生的,因此在单击处理程序运行时,可以确保i的值将为tabs.length

If you compare that with the forEach() example, you'll notice that the variable being enclosed by the click handler is tabId , which is a unique, new variable for each iteration, and therefore doesn't suffer from the same issues as the for loop. 如果将其与forEach()示例进行比较,您会注意到单击处理程序包含的变量是tabId ,这是每次迭代的唯一新变量,因此不会遇到与for循环。

Replace "i" for its id... 将“ i”替换为其ID ...

http://jsfiddle.net/yzu7kLf4/ http://jsfiddle.net/yzu7kLf4/

Try this: 尝试这个:

function clickTrack(){
    var tabs = ['tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3', 'tab4'];
    for(i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
        document.getElementById(tabs[i]).addEventListener("click", function(){
               trackingFunction('param1','clicked='+ this.id);


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