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[英]How to write a test as a method in Go?

I have a below test: 我的测试如下:

package api_app

func (api *ApiResource) TestAuthenticate(t *testing.T) {
    httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/login", nil)
    req := restful.NewRequest(httpReq)

    recorder := new(httptest.ResponseRecorder)
    resp := restful.NewResponse(recorder)

    api.Authenticate(req, resp)
    if recorder.Code!= 404 {
        t.Logf("Missing or wrong status code:%d", recorder.Code)

I want to test this function but when I do 我想测试此功能,但是当我这样做时

go test api_app -v

The test never rungs this. 测试永远不会失败。 I understand that's because I have receiver for the function. 我知道那是因为我有该功能的接收器。

Is there a way we can test this thing? 有办法测试一下吗?

The testing package works with functions, not methods. 测试包使用功能而不是方法。 Write a function wrapper to test the method: 编写函数包装器以测试方法:

func TestAuthenticate(t *testing.T) {
   api := &ApiResource{} // <-- initialize api as appropriate.

You can move all of the code to the test function and eliminate the method: 您可以将所有代码移至测试函数并消除该方法:

func TestAuthenticate(t *testing.T) {
    api := &ApiResource{} // <-- initialize api as appropriate.
    httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/login", nil)
    req := restful.NewRequest(httpReq)

    recorder := new(httptest.ResponseRecorder)
    resp := restful.NewResponse(recorder)

    api.Authenticate(req, resp)
    if recorder.Code!= 404 {
        t.Logf("Missing or wrong status code:%d", recorder.Code)

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