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[英]Java - How to perform operations on a value in an array?

This is the operation i am trying to do. 这是我正在尝试执行的操作。 I get the error "bad operand types for binary operator "*". 我收到错误“二进制运算符“ *”的错误操作数类型)。

How do i pass this calcualtion? 我如何通过此计算? Can somone show me an example of how to do this? somone可以告诉我如何执行此操作的示例吗? Note that day[i] has all its values already in it. 请注意,day [i]已包含所有其值。

The complaint is that day[i]*9 doesn't make any sense. 抱怨是day[i]*9没有任何意义。 This must be because day[i] isn't a numerical type. 这必须是因为day[i]不是数字类型。

If day is also of type Temperature[] , then you can't multiply day[i] by anything because it's an object, not a number. 如果day的类型也为Temperature[] ,则您不能将day[i]乘以任何值,因为它是一个对象,而不是数字。 You'll need to write a method of Temperature that allows you to read the value stored there: 您需要编写一个Temperature方法,该方法允许您读取那里存储的值:

public class Temperature {

    private double temp;

    // constructors etc.

    public double getTemp() {
        return temp;

Now you can use 现在您可以使用


to get what you want. 得到你想要的。 Note that I've set the type as double , because it looks like you'll want floating point arithmetic here. 请注意,我将类型设置为double ,因为看起来您将在这里使用浮点运算。

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