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C#/ Javascript数据表导出到Excel和PDF

[英]C#/Javascript datatable export to Excel and PDF

I took over a C# Entity Framework project from an ex coworker. 我从前同事那里接管了一个C#实体框架项目。 He set up a few tables in ways I am not to familiar using Javascript. 他以我不熟悉的Java方式设置了一些表格。 I need to get the contents of this data table exported to an Excel and PDF file (seperate button for each). 我需要将此数据表的内容导出到Excel和PDF文件(每个文件都单独的按钮)。 I am open to using C#, Javascript, or JQuery. 我愿意使用C#,Javascript或JQuery。

I have been doing ColdFusion recently, and haven't even looked at anything .NET related in almost a year, so I am trying to get a refresher as well as figure out stuff I have never seen before, so my mind fried. 我最近一直在做ColdFusion,并且差不多一年都没有看任何与.NET相关的东西,所以我试图重新学习并弄清以前从未见过的东西,所以我不禁思索。

Javascript Code used to fill the data table: 用于填充数据表的Javascript代码:

              $(document).ready(function () {

                  var active = true;


              function ChangeList() 

              function GetList(isActive) {

                      "sDom": '<"top"lf>rt<"bottom"ip><"clear">',
                      "bAutoWidth": false,
                      "bProcessing": true,
                      "bSort": true,
                      "bDestroy": true,
                      "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
                      "bServerSide": true,
                      "sAjaxSource": "Instructor.aspx/GetAllInstructors",
                      "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {

                          var jsonData = "{jsonAOData : '" + JSON.stringify(aoData) + "', isActive: '" + isActive + "'}";

                              //dataType: 'json', 
                              contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                              type: "POST",
                              url: sSource,
                              data: jsonData,
                              complete: function () { Init(); },
                              success: function (msg) {
                                  if (msg.d != null)
                              error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                                  ntfy_push("Error", ServerFail());
                      "aoColumnDefs": [

                { "sName": "Cipher",
                    "aTargets": [0],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "firstName",
                    "aTargets": [1]
                { "sName": "lastName",
                    "aTargets": [2]
                { "sName": "org",
                    "aTargets": [10]
                { "sName": "workPhone",
                    "aTargets": [4]
                { "sName": "altPhone",
                    "aTargets": [5],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "cellPhone",
                    "aTargets": [6],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                 { "sName": "email",
                     "aTargets": [7]
                { "sName": "riderCoach",
                    "aTargets": [8],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "rangeAid",
                    "aTargets": [9],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                 { "sName": "admin",
                     "aTargets": [3]
                { "sName": "seniorInst",
                    "aTargets": [11],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "dateAdded",
                    "aTargets": [12],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                 { "sName": "dateMod",
                     "aTargets": [13],
                     "bVisible": false,
                     "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "modBy",
                    "aTargets": [14],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "active",
                    "aTargets": [15],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "sName": "delete",
                    "aTargets": [16],
                    "bVisible": false,
                    "bSearchable": false
                { "fnRender": function () {
                    return "Edit";
                    "aTargets": [17]
                { "fnRender": function () {
                    return "Delete";
                    "aTargets": [18]
                      "sDom": '<"toolbar">flrtip'

                  $("div.toolbar").html("<div class = 'tableOption'><img src = 'image/button/new-icon.png'/ alt= 'Add New Class' style = 'cursor:pointer' onclick = 'Show_New_Instructor()'></div>");

Datatable used for the headers 标头使用的数据表

<table id = "dataTable">
        <th>Instructor ID</th>
        <th>First Name</th>
        <th>Last Name</th>
        <th>Work Phone</th>
        <th>Alt Phone</th>
        <th>Cell Phone</th>
        <th>Email Address</th>
        <th>Rider Coach</th>
        <th>Range Aid</th>
        <th>Senior Inst</th>
        <th>Date Added</th>
        <th>Date Modified</th>
        <th>Mod By</th>


Excel Button: Excel按钮:

PDF Button: PDF按钮:

I thank you in advance for the help, and if this is already in a post somewhere I do apologize for overlooking it. 预先感谢您的帮助,如果此帖子已发布在某处,我对此深表歉意。

Since you are open in using any of the three platforms, you might want to check on Office Interoperability wherein you can maximize the use of MS Office in your C# code 由于您可以使用这三个平台中的任何一个,因此您可能需要检查Office互操作性,从而可以在C#代码中最大限度地利用MS Office。

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/dd264733.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/dd264733.aspx

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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