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[英]how do i replace exact phrases in c# string.replace

I am trying to ensure that a list of phrases start on their own line by finding them and replacing them with \\n + the phrase. 我正在尝试通过查找短语并将其替换为\\ n +短语来确保短语列表以其各自的开头开始。 eg 例如

your name: joe    your age: 28 

becomes 变成

my name: joe  
your age: 28

I have a file with phrases that i pull and loop through and do the replace. 我有一个包含短语的文件,我可以拉出并循环通过这些短语并进行替换。 Except as there are 2 words in some phrases i use \\b to signify where the phrase starts and ends. 除了某些短语中有2个单词外,我使用\\ b表示该短语的开始和结束位置。

This doesn't seem to work, anybody know why? 这似乎不起作用,有人知道为什么吗?

example - String is 'Name: xxxxxx' does not get edited. 示例-字符串为“名称:xxxxxx”不会被编辑。

output = output.Replace('\b' + "Name" + '\b', "match");

Using regular expressions, accounts for any number of words with any number of spaces: 使用正则表达式可以说明任意数量的单词以及任意数量的空格:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Regex re = new Regex("(?<key>\\w+(\\b\\s+\\w+)*)\\s*:\\s*(?<value>\\w+)");
MatchCollection mc = re.Matches("your name: joe    your age: 28 ");

foreach (Match m in mc) {
    string key = m.Groups("key").Value;
    string value = m.Groups("value").Value;

    //accumulate into a list, but I'll just write to console
    Console.WriteLine(key + " : " + value);

Here is some explanation: 这里是一些解释:

  • Suppose what you want to the left of the colon (:) is called a key , and what is to the right - a value . 假设您想要在冒号(:)左侧的内容称为 ,而在右侧的内容是
  • These key/value pairs are separated by at least once space. 这些键/值对之间至少间隔了一个空格。 Because of this, value has be exactly one word (otherwise we'd have ambiguity). 因此,值恰好是一个字(否则我们会产生歧义)。

The above regular expression uses named groups, to make code more readable. 上面的正则表达式使用命名组,以使代码更具可读性。

got it 得到它了

for (int headerNo=0; headerNo<headersArray.Length; headerNo++) 
    string searchPhrase = @"\b" + PhraseArray[headerNo] + @"\b"; 
    string newPhrase = "match"; 
    output = Regex.Replace(output, searchPhrase, newPhrase); }


output = output.Replace("your", "\nyour");

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