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[英]lxml - how to get xpath of HtmlElement?

Using an XML etree, it's possible to do: 使用XML etree,可以执行以下操作:


How would I do the same thing, but with HTML instead of XML? 如何用HTML而不是XML来做同样的事情?

The _ElementTree has a getpath method: _ElementTree具有getpath方法:

In [17]: import lxml.html as LH
In [18]: content = '<root><div id="pgbrk" ......>....Page Break....</div></root>'

In [19]: root = LH.fromstring(content)

In [20]: tree = root.getroottree()

In [21]: tree.getpath(root[0])
Out[21]: '/html/body/root/div'

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